I drink one to two cups of coffee each morning. And I also take a blood pressure pill in the morning and one at night. My cardiologist never told me that I needed to cut out the coffee. I actually do not think the small amount of caffiene I get in those one to two cups of coffee are inconsequential. Any effect on my blood pressure from the morning coffee, if any, is likely gone wihtin and hour or so. If you are taking medication for blood pressure, as I am, it is for a more systemic issue that requires keeping the blood pressure down permanently. I will say that I've recently begun exercising significantly by riding the bike for between 50 and 75 miles a week and doing pushups, bicycle crunches and planks. The hope is to do this while being more mindful of what I am eating so I can lose weight. That will hopefully reduce the need for the blood pressure medication. Time will tell.