whats the difference?


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Feb 25, 2005
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i am new to using an industrial coffee machine,what is the difference between esspresso and cappachino(sorry if spelt incorrectrly) we have had a machine put in the bar i work at and it has an espresso button but often people ask for lattes,cappachinos etc is there a site i can go to which explains, want to make sure my customers gewt what they ask for and their is a lack of training in house iyswim. any help or guidance would be appreciated.
what do you mean you have a commercial machine? Espresso is the coffee that goes into a cappuccino...I am assuming you have a super auto...you should have a auto frother or a steam wand on it...if not you can not make a cappuccino. Lets start with the machine you have...you need to talk to your manager or store owner about being trained properly. Where are you located?
just off to work so will get some more info. i work in a football club bar in the uk approx 2-3000 customers mainly drinking beer twice a week, we introduced the coffee machine at the start of the season as requested by customers(fair trade coffee) i would like to get some more training but is down the list as most of our sales are in beer.
we have a Jura impressa x90,with i presume a steam/froth thing? linked to currently a jug of milk. we sell on average about 20 cups per game and would like to improve our service etc.
espresso is the strong coffee that goes into the cappucino. a cappucino consists of mainly froth formed by keeping the wand tip at the surface of the milk. along with the froth theres the espresso and little bit of milk and the rest froth. lattes are the opposite. it still has the espresso but more milk to froth ratio.
oops.. forgot to add this in... when u lift the cup.. a cappucino should be light and a latte should be heavier...
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