Odd, I can't find my previous post.
Here I do again. I had a Hario V60 pour over but to me, the coffee was on the weak side for my taste. I decided to try the Hario V60 Switch, and all the reviews I read liked this one the best. The Switch is a combination immersion maker and a pour-over. This maker makes the coffee a lot stronger than a standard pour-over, and stronger than a French Press or AeroPress as well.
The only bad reviews on the Switch are mostly user error. The biggest complaint is the switch on it is made of plastic, and some people have pressed it too hard and broken it. It's just plastic and it moves up and down very easily, there is no need to force it, just barely touching it moves it. The other complaint is there is a ball bearing inside the unit that shuts off the flow, that ball bearing is loose, so if you tilt the maker onto its side or upside down that bearing will come out and fall wherever it goes, and maybe someplace you can't find it ever again!
Just watch YouTube videos on how to use it, if you have any other questions about it just come back here and ask, hopefully, I'll see it and can help you, but I'm sure others can help you just as well as me.