will this jamaica blue mountain last until christmas??

c fudge

New member
Dec 7, 2005
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I'm a coffee noob, but here I go. My mom loves Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, so I decided to get her a pound at a posh coffee shop. It came to $38 and I was all happy. It wasn't until I got home I realized christmas is another 2.5 weeks away.

What I bought her were whole beans. After doing some reading I've found that enough beans should only be purchased to be used within 1-2 weeks. Well she will not be able to use these until at least 2.5 weeks (christmas). This really killed my spirits.

She is not a coffee snob, so I doubt she will be able to detect its age. However, what should I do to store it? Right now I Have it wrapped in like 5000 sheets of saran wrap, then about 4 sheets of tinfoil, then in a plastic bag, in a cardboard box, in another box, in my closet. Can it wait like this for 2.5 weeks, or should I freeze it, or should I give it to her early (which I really don't want to do)?

Please don't suggest buy her another pound because I'm a poor ass college student. Please help.
Send it to her now! Tell her you love her so much you couldn't wait for Christmas and she just had to try a pound of this coffee!
do you really think that is my best choice?
I think you will be OK to wait until Christmas. I roast my own coffee and I even find it difficult to tell the difference between beans I roasted 3 days ago and beans I roasted 3 weeks ago. Plus, (although Blue Mountain is nowhere near my favorite coffee), if your mother usually drinks store bought/cheaper coffee, this wil be a huge improvement even if she waits 3 months!
really... now you have me debating. I was considering taking it to her next weekend and giving it to her early. I have to go home the weekend of the 16th, and I could give it to her then. Do you think there would be much difference if I gave it to her the 16, or waited 9 more days and gave it to her the 25th?
Oh...and don't feeze it...it will dry the beans out too much. The regular packaging that it came it should be sufficient in keeping the beans as fresh as possible.
One last thing. Even if you waited to buy the beans the day before Christmas, you would have probably eneded up with the same bag since most coffee stores keep a hefty inventory from their roasters around the holiday time. Of course, if they roasted it for you right when you bought it... my theory in incorrect! Either way...as I said before...waiting until Christmas is fine.
Ok, thanks for your help! I doubt she roasted it right there. Usually they keep all their beans out for people to pour into a bag ( like a super market ) however they don't keep the JBM out because it is so expensive. They DO however roast their own beans.

She went into the back for maybe a minute or two and came out with my bag. I'm not sure how long it takes to roast beans on the spot, but I don't think she did.
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