Coffee for Children


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May 9, 2012
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I was wondering that is coffee good for children who are in their growing age? I mean, does it develop coffee addiction in them? At what age, can we start giving coffee to children? Is it as soon as they are able to eat and drink or is there a specific age for that? :coffeemug:

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Hmmmm, interesting comments. Since I am still new one on this forum, so I am not very aware regarding what has already been discussed here and what is not !!! :coffee:
I suppose it's the same as with everything..'moderation is the key' It does depend on what age you're talking about though too. IN that thread they were discussing teenagers whihc is different from giving a 5 yr old a cup of coffee. I expect most younger kids wouldn't like it anyway.
I don't know about completely healthy kids, but caffeine is helpful for certain conditions that involve attention and concentration, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD).
You should be more specific about what age of children you are talking about. I would not give my 5 year old child a cup of coffee whereas an 11-12 year old could probably have one. I don't think you should teach your kid to drink coffee though, there is no need for it
I think it just depends on you and your children. When I was growing up my parents let me have coffee when I was 10, but it was more milk than coffee. After that one time, I would drink it every once in awhile, but I didn't start really drinking coffee till I was in college.
I feel like kids wouldn't need it. They usually have a bunch of energy as is. That and it being a stimulant, I'm not really sure how it would affect their body.
I saw a kid no older than 12 order an Americano at Peet's. I wasn't allowed to have coffee until I was 18. The world is definitely changing. I wonder if anyone is tracking the impact generationally.
My son is 9 years old and he is addicted to coffee. Recently I have noticed some dental issues like bleeding gums in him.I tried changing his toothbrush but there was no change even after using a soft bristle toothbrush. The intensity of bleeding increased gradually and I had to take him to an emergency dental care in Toronto. Can coffee intake cause bleeding gums? Is coffee bad for dental health? Please advise. I am curious to know.
