Addicted to Coffee, Am I?



I always feel bad about drinking too much coffee. Is it unusual to drink between 16-24 ounces of coffee througout a day? Am I a freak or is this normal? (I either get my double Americano or just drink brewed...every day)
UMMM....You are kidding right?? 16 to 24 ounces or did you mean 16-24 drinks? I just finished my first cup of the day..16 oz drip...was actually thinking about having an espresso but now I am scared that I might have a problem...Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery...never mind I am off to get my espresso!
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Just making sure. I always think too much coffee will be bad, but still drink it every day. Just need to know I'm not alone!
J. S. Bach(composer who wrote the coffee contata) drank I believe it was 60-80 cups of coffee a day!I wish he was still around and a customer of mine!!
Too Much?

Lately, I've been hitting about 80 oz. of strong, freshly ground and brewed, french pressed coffee/day. This may be too much, but, so far, I feel great! No trouble sleeping, either!

USDA database says average per capita coffee consumption was about 1.6 cups/day in 2002. This is down from 2.77 cups/day in 1960. I'd have thought per capita consumption would be up with all the Starbucks, etc.
The consumption of crap coffee is down but the amount of gourmet coffee is up...I mean look how many people where drinking f-old-gers and what not compared people buying fresh roasted beans now.
Ya can't go back!

I agree- once you've tasted good coffee, the pedestrian sludge that passed for it as purveyed by Maxwell House, Chock Full'o Nuts, and Folgers just won't ever do again! :-D
pots of coffee

:roll: I drink 4 or 5 pots of coffee a day and I never have any problems sleeping. If I go 2 hours without coffee I get a headache. :grin:

I love Maxwell House Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maxwell House

Yer lucky, I suppose, if you like the inexpensive stuff! Especially if you drink alot! Becomes a rather expensive habit:!: