Afterburner installation


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Jun 24, 2008
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I am getting ready to install a used Probat L12 in our shop. In its previous home the roaster had been installed on the roof and the guy who will be installing it this time suggested doing the same because of the heat it will generate, but I had been under the impression that it would work more efficiently if it was installed directly behind the roaster. Any opinions out there?
I am assuming the positioning is relating to the afterburner not the roaster? My afterburer(s) are positioned to the side of the roasters they are supporting. Different types of burner may be different, but I guess one thing in common is they need to have a clear space around them and they need to be accessed to clean out waste that accumulates below the burner unit. A flue runs from the burner vertically to the outside- like a chimney- and goes through the roofing panelling in doing so. Essentially if the burner is not being used then smoke vents via the units flue in the same way as if it was being vented normally through a chimney
So my question is, should the afterburner be right beside the roaster so the smoke goes through right away and then out the roof, or is it okay to vent the smoke through the roof and then into the afterburner? Or is either okay and it doesn't really matter.
Does your Probat have an exhaust pipe in the rear (no pun intended) or up top? Normally, the smoke would go directly into the afterburner, and then out the roof.

My diedrich's exhaust is in the back, connected to 4' of pipe, then feeds into my afterburner. the afterburner has a hole on top for a pipe to vent out the roof...
No the exhust should vent directly into the afterburner unit- then the waste (which is literally hot air) gets released into the air. Therefore it is best to have the afterburner unit directly next to the roaster ( to...etc)
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