Am I the only one offended?


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May 15, 2005
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Hi! I don't know if this is where I should post, but I've been a forum member, and haven't had time to get on here, but certainly have missed it! My question is, am I the only one who is offended by the "barista" labels that people put on us? I am a coffee house owner/barista, and am very proud of that fact. I really get upset and burned when I listen to the stupid Mc D commercials where they say they used to not bath, talked funny, and how they can be themselves now that they "found" Mc D's coffee. Excuse me but I am a very hard working individual, I do take a bath, and my english is just fine.
I just read a post about coffee fest in Chicago, and how the place was crawling with baristas with their ponytails and piercings...Sorry, I have neither. I don't get the labels. Coffeefest is a blast, and yes it is for people in the coffee industry, but I attended all three days, and for the record, there were a handful of ponytails and piercings. Seriously I work very long hours and wait on all walks of life. Why do baristas get bullied? The difference between me and the workers at our Mcd's they push a button, push the pump on the syrup (by the way is as long as they feel like pushing) and put a lid on it, and I study, read everything I can, work on certifications, and constantly keep up on my machines, and my business, and make sure I put out nothing but the best that can be made. Obviously, I must be doing something right, because I've been in business for 8 1/2 yrs. ...Maybe it's cause I take a bath, and change my clothes every day...
Why be offended by something that appeals to a different audience and is clearly on a lower tier? The people who the commercial appeals to are probably not your customers. They clearly wouldn't be mine.

A barista is a skilled position, it's a craft. Don't take it for granted. It's like the "chef" of Olive Garden saying "I used to walk around the kitchen yelling, "BAM!", but then I learned how to cook."

Offended? Really?

I think I can get another day out of my socks if I turn them inside out. :wink:
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I'm sorry, I think my point isn't being made. I got bent when I read a post from someone who went to coffeefest, and said the place was crawling with baristas-ponytails and piercings-that wasn't the case and it bothered me. It just added to the labels. And if you haven't noticed I just don't like them.I also ramble...
As a tattooless and rather boring dresser, all I can say is that the only barista that should offend are those that don't deserve the title. Bow tie or tattoo, if you can't pull a mean shot, that's how you'll offend me. I'd rather be served an awesome ristretto from Twisted Sister's Dee Snider than a cup of crap from Mister Rogers. A great barista should be judged by the cup they serve.

.... yea Mister Rogers is dead... still... if he can't pull a shot... :shock:
I wouldn't let it bother you. Be proud of your profession, because that's what you are, a professional. You are not a McDonald's employee. The only thing I'd be upset about is if your customers treat you like one!

Myself, I used to have a long hair (donated several times to Locks for Love) and am currently growing it back out. I also have plans for a lot of tattoos. So what? I also spend way too much money on trendy clothing and wear t-shirts, jeans and shoes more expensive than most peoples' suits. Does it matter? Hell no.

Do what makes you happy as long as it makes you proud inside, yet stay humble. You can't lose, no matter what "they" say.
I can really relate to what you are saying. I used to be offended when people would say "this is your place?", like I couldn't be capable of owning a place like this... I would say I'm pretty far from the labels or stereotypes. Believe me, when it comes to liking or not liking someone, the last thing is the appearance. I guess you can say you braved the trecherous sea of ponytails, piercings and tats to enjoy coffeefest.

As far as McD goes, I did initially find the spots offensive, but then I also thought, "they aren't targeting my store..." I think its a dig against Sbux, which has a reputation for a certain atmosphere. (I know, I'm playing the role of Captain Obvious here). LOL Although, I don't like that most people probably won't make the distinction between the two (snobby place and my place). Does that make sense?
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Thank you for the replies! I totally agree with everyone, I'm just really tired of defending my profession, my passion, and my life. I did make the comment that I wasn't sure if this is where I should post this, but I got pretty ticked when I read the "coffeefest was full of piercings and ponytails" I always attend coffeefest, and have attended for years. To portray coffeefest attendees as they did is just plain stupid. You can learn alot at coffeefest, and have alot of fun. Yes, there are people with piercings, and yes there are ponytails, but to say it was full of them...NOT TRUE!!! I think it kind of ruins it for those who haven't ever experienced it. The people at coffeefest come from all walks of life, and have all different kinds of shops, some are into organics only and some are stuffy, BUT we all have one thing in common....THE LOVE OF COFFEE!!! Oh, and before I sound totally stupid, I have friends who are bikers, tatoo artists, bankers, lawyers, factory workers, doctors and students, who dress preppy, grunge, stuffy, and plain janes.....and we all co-exist together....
As for the McD thing, it's just accepted, and I think it's wrong. Just like the SBUX thing....People love the atmosphere more than they love the coffee, and I have yet had the same person make my latte there. (I frequent a near by city, and that's where I stop)...AND I've been open longer than the SBUX there. Yeah, I'm rambling....but sometimes ya know, it's really hard to be an INDIE, and that's really what the point of coffeeforums is for, right?
Well hello and I think I was the nasty offender with the ponytail and piercings comment.

Must have been the crowd I hung with but really they were there I tell ya! Now, onto my apology for offending anyone, as I would not want to do that. Perhaps the hippy types were more visible because they were sitting on the floor in pods :).

As for stereotypes and baristas, glad you spoke up and gave your side. This is what discussion boards are for.


Lisa the evil barista bully.

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Thank you, and I wich I could have gone! But, of course, thats the "perks" of owning your own business, vacations are far and few between. I'm sooo envious, I'm sure it was a blast!!!
great thread. there are all kinds of unfair profiling going on. I am a grandmother. I own my own coffee shop and roast our coffee. I can still pull the best shot, still train my newly hired baristas. I still show them a thing or too, as well. It makes me a little sad to have to keep a low profile because I'm not cool enough to be taken seriously as a good baritsa.
Yeah, I thought it was a dig also, but how do you compete with somebody that sells a product cheaper than I can buy it wholesale? McDs breakfast sandwiches .99 mine?, 3.50 and up. I believe it is true, we don't want nor need that mentality in our shoppes. You get what you pay for. I wasn't voted best of St Augustine for nothin'. I have expensive drinks and make no bones about it. I was a customer of my shoppe before I purchased it, and trained with the owners for months W/O pay because that is how much I believed in the product. The commercials you see on TV for McDs, are those real customers, or actors? Do you see a McDs "barista" in a commercial? Who do you see in MY COMMERCIALS?!
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It's been a year since I made that post, and I still wonder...the funny thing now is that occasionally I post on a sidewalk talker, "why would you let someone clown around with your coffee?" I do get alot of smiles out of it!