Ambex YM-2


New member
Aug 26, 2008
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I am thinking about an Ambex YM-2, and debating between the Old style System, with no Computer control or thier new Roast True System.
People have been Roasting the Old way for Years. As a new PRofessional Roaster, Do I really need the Computer system, or does the K.I.S.S. thought still Apply. That is the Question.
But my Real Hang up is the Fire Surpression System. On a 2 kg Roaster, Is the built in System really needed, or is Proper Vigalance sufficent.

Any thoughts would be useful


Wow 14 days and no response, well here is my 2 bits. As far as I know the roast true systems will cost you a lot more then the roaster does and in my opinion on a small roaster like the YM2 (I have one for sale up in Canada with the whole shop) you don't need it and it would be hard to recoup the cost. If you want some data recording to help you be more consistent the Roast illuminator would be a reasonable option but I find it quite easy to get good consistent results if you keep your head with your job, don't try to do bagging at the same time you roast ;-( For safety I have an industrial rated fire extinguisher on the side.
Good luck. Ed
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I'm pretty sure I've decided to go with a Toper. I thought about your YM2
but your in BC and I'm in New Hampshire. On top of that I am then Shipping to Poland. Just couldn't afford the Shipping costs. The Guy at Toper has been great at answering all questions, and Easier to ship to
Poland From Turkey. I've Also decided to go with a 5 kg Roaster for the Extra capacity.

Good luck with everything, I wish you the Best.

PS Ever thought Of training some one there as a roaster and have them work for you for a while, then sell them the business once they have everything down. Then you can still get some profit from it, and not have to do all of the work.
Just an Idea...