Any Pictures building your on Mobile Espresso Van ?


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Jan 29, 2005
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It's great to put down 60k or 80 for a turnkey rig, not looking to do this. Trying to built a low buget rig just to run in the AM couple of hours, job sites, etc. This is not my full time income, looking for home made rigs not store bought , pictures or advise is welcome, on sites where I can get supplys, cups,flavor, bean. Been looking on Ebay so people say that's junk, for Machines, ginders, 20 generator, sink, gray water, fresh water, and a cheap Van all USED.

I have the shop and tools to put this together and would like to do this for 4k, am I'm dreaming..?. :) Understanding sky is the limit with the setup, but not trying to go broke on makeing money thanking if it works move up as time goes by. You got to sell lots of beans from a van to get 60k plus back, just in the mornings, I don't have the time to do all the fest, ball games, etc, soooo that's why at looking at doing it yourself, lowbuget, and sites for supplies are welcome or input..

Show me the Money..

Columbia S.C.
Almostnuts :shock: You can't be serious about trying to do what you'd like to do with 4 K? Just the espresso machine will run 1/4 that (a good clean used one, well maintained that is). Then you have all the other things that need to go in the van (tables, blenders grinders, etc.) I would like to know whom in their right mind sent you on this "Wild Goose Chase" in the first place, knowing darn well you could never in a million years pull something together for 4 K! Besides I know for a fact you'd never get any health dept in any city to clear what your about to put together with that limited amount of funds. You know why? Because it's going to look like 4 K is why! We all here know you'd have to skimp and if you do that your now going to open yourself up to a law suit by someone.... (that's if it ever passed health inspection which I doubt it would) Look if someone was to get sick from your product you better have a minimum of 1 million dollar product liability insurance. And if you don't carry that much insurance, lets just say your butt will belong to them for a very longtime. Get a grip and snap out of your fantasy world and face reality, put the money up for a professionally built truck/van or go ahead and sink your 4 K into something that will never materialize and be out your 4 K![/img]
Pricing, Unrealistic..

I would recommened doing research on pricing. I highly doubt that $4k will be enough. That price is unrealistic even for a coffee cart. Read, Read, Read. Have money ready, but interview consultants before you pluck down money.
I agree with all of the above. I'm good with mechanical stuff in general and espresso gear in particular but I think that I'd have to spend about $7K to $10K to build a functional mobile espresso van. But that doesn't even include the capital I'd need for inventory, storage, permits etc.

If you'rereally, really cleave and get incredibly lucky with deals on used or better yet broken-down equipment that you can refurb yourself... you might manage to build an espresso trailer for that $4K but it's still a stretch. IMHO you'd have to take too many short cuts and make too many compromises to pull it off.
I have to disagree. As a do-it-yourselfer myself, my husband and I are very happy with what we're creating- a beautiful, harlequin-patterned coffee cart for our local farmers market (and fairs, etc) doing exactly what you described.

It IS a risk to buy used, but our manual espresso machine works great and we got it on e-bay. We found a compact, retro-looking horse trailor that we've gutted and installed side door panels (swing up and provide shelter) and are making it completely self-sufficient... I will never need to plug in anywhere!

Three sinks, hand sink, hot water... I've had six long conversations with our county and city health departments and they love us! I think they are as excited about this whole thing as we are and have been extremely helpful.

The one (and major) negative has been time. We had hoped to have it up and running last fall, but when the cold weather set it, we had to delay as our garages are not heated (sealing things requires above freezing temps). But we are back in full swing and getting everyone excited as well. The local Farmers Market manager told our food editor about it and she's putting something in the paper about the cart. My friend who owns a chain of drive-thru coffee shops offered to help last week and is very excited for me as well.

SO... surround yourself with the positive and if you have the technical skills (water heaters, circulating pumps and things need little devices added all over to keep things safe and in line), I say GO FOR IT!!! If you fail, then $4K is less than most Americans have on their credit cards.

I should add that my husband works on all aspects of airplanes and has a great, creative mind for how things should work together. His design of the cart has changed quite a bit as we've worked on it- each change adding to simplicity and modulations.

It's been a lot of fun so far. I'm very hopeful about this little venture and having a confirmed space at the market before we invested one penny was the push to move forward.

Just my $.02 :)
CoffeeGoddess said:
I have to disagree. As a do-it-yourselfer myself, my husband and I are very happy with what we're creating- a beautiful, harlequin-patterned coffee cart for our local farmers market (and fairs, etc) doing exactly what you described.

Can we see a photo of your coffee cart?
We'll take some pictures when the Farmer's Market starts in May, or maybe at the local Midsummer's Faire (I'll be in costume then! :P )

We don't have a digital camera (I know, I know...) but I send things via picture CDs. However, are we allowed to download pictures on this site? I've seen things in signatures on the side, but where else may we post them?
anyone know of a vendor?

Who can create a mobile cart...I'm looking to create one inside a vehicle?
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