anyone else hate Mondays?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 14, 2003
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I'm sure its not just me. I came into a busy day of roasting. We had our first batch of flavor base in when we smelled something odd...I told my guy to dump the batch because there was a fire. He opened the door and only few beans came out. I asked him if the drum was on and he said yes..thats when I relized the chain had broken. :cry: needless to say we got the coffee out by grabbing the gear and turning it manually. Hope the day goes better from here on...
Yes - long until Friday...???

Sorry for your product loss. Hope you can recover quickly.

I had a bad Saturday at the Farmers market. Last one was the best ever. This past one we sold no bags of beans - none - Zero. Lots of cups of coffee but no bags of coffee - all that fresh roasted coffee aging by the hour...loss of $$$. The traffic was way off and this next Saturday is the last one for the year.

Ahhh Mondays...I need a cup of coffee... :(
It sucks about the 2 bags..but I'm more concerned about the 5,000 lbs of pounds I could have been roasting while the machine is down. It is going to be a long day :( Well off to Grainger to fix my chain..GOTTA LOVE GRAINGER!!!! :D
topher said:
I'm sure its not just me. I came into a busy day of roasting. We had our first batch of flavor base in when we smelled something odd...I told my guy to dump the batch because there was a fire. He opened the door and only few beans came out. I asked him if the drum was on and he said yes..thats when I relized the chain had broken. :cry: needless to say we got the coffee out by grabbing the gear and turning it manually. Hope the day goes better from here on...
What roaster is that?

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