sorry to revive an old thread, but i want to warn everyone in the world about this machine... its horrid.
I manage a coffee shop that currently uses this machine. (hey, i had no say in the equipment... it was all purchased befor i got there)
The power steam feature is okay as a concept. Never burning milk is a good idea, but an experianced barista shouldnt really have to worry about this... and the actual steaming wand is so violent that its hard to get a GOOD foam (you know, the thick, small bubbled kind...not the 8 year old in a bubble bath kind...) with skim or soy.
Plus, the sensor isnt ever consistant. The weather somehow plays a big part in how the stupid thermometer reads... i dunno... but when it burns milk late at night, but says its done steaming at only 120 degrees around 3 pm, id say there is something wrong there. The guys around here that are liscensed to work on the machine swear there isnt any thing wrong with that...
So on top of a violent inaccurate auto steaming useless stick... you only have one violent inaccurate auto steaming useless stick. so productivity goes out the window. along with only having one group of espresso spouts.... so its impossible to make a venti latte correctly. you have to wait 20 seconds in between the first two shots, and the final shot.
ugh.... in short its a POS, and the idea behind the machine was so that any old joe of the street or fresh out of the mcdonalds drive thru register could automaticly be an efficient barista..... NOT worth the lack in productivity and quality if you ask me.