Hello folks. I am new to roasting and am starting out with the air popper. Reason one. It''s cheap. 1250 watt popcorn pumper. $2. Reason two. I don't drink a lot of coffee. About four 6 oz. cups a morning. I have already began roasting. And am somewhat pleased with my efforts. Roasted too long on my last batch though. I have a question regarding the "second crack". I have read, that for a dark roast, roast the beans about 20 - 30 seconds into the second crack. I have been able to distinguish between the two different sounds of cracks. But I am not quite sure what is meant by "into the second crack". Does this mean when you first hear the second crack ? Or maybe when you first hear the second crack in massive amounts ? Because, I, from time to time, hear a bean or two crack lightly, like a rice crispy (when milk hits it), but may be 30 seconds or more before there is a massive amount of
cracking. I''m sure everyone has a different opinion. I'd like some of your opinions.
cracking. I''m sure everyone has a different opinion. I'd like some of your opinions.