Breville Smart Grinder Pro


New member
Dec 31, 2023
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I have the Breville Smart Grinder Pro bought in Hong Kong.

I am using Yunnan China coffee beans by Aini. French Roast for French Press.

I live in Hawaii and there use a DXO grinder but now am back in China after several years due to an absence caused by the Pandemic. The Breville grinder lay in storage for years and I am just now starting to use it. But I forgot a lot. But I have questions that I am hoping you can answer

I am starting to use it more after a lull caused by the Pandemic.

Also the digital readouts were not working well although they are better. Before I could not read them. Better now.

I am confused on the two buttons:
1. cups
2. grind time

if I set cups does the grind time automatically change and set or do I have to set that also? or do I reset that according to taste? Do I use both buttons or only one?

I don't know if I should also fiddle with grind time

I grind for French Press

I have grind size set at the most course about 60 and the burrs set at 10 but the grinds seem still not course enough. Am I doing something wrong?
Not familiar with how that grinder functions, but have read of some making a burr calibration adjustment to give a finer range, so imagine the opposite can be done for coarser range as well. Also, since it's been in storage for some time definitely break it down for a thorough cleaning. Coffee/oils can have a detrimental effect if left in a grinder sitting for any period of time. Depending on how you left it for storage there could be some buildup causing the coffee to be ground finer than your setting due to partial blockage. That can cause the fresh coffee to stay in contact with the burrs longer giving a finer end result.
Not familiar with how that grinder functions, but have read of some making a burr calibration adjustment to give a finer range, so imagine the opposite can be done for coarser range as well. Also, since it's been in storage for some time definitely break it down for a thorough cleaning. Coffee/oils can have a detrimental effect if left in a grinder sitting for any period of time. Depending on how you left it for storage there could be some buildup causing the coffee to be ground finer than your setting due to partial blockage. That can cause the fresh coffee to stay in contact with the burrs longer giving a finer end result.
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