Caffeine O.D??


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Overdose drama of girl who had 14 cups of espresso
By PAUL SIMS - More by this author »

Last updated at 07:36am on 14th August 2007

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A teenage waitress overdosed on caffeine after drinking 14 shots of espresso.

Jasmine Willis, 17, could hardly breathe and was taken to hospital with a high temperature and heart palpitations.

She had drunk almost three times the recommended daily amount of caffeine in just four hours.

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Jasmine Willis was hospitalised after she drank seven double espressos

Miss Willis, a student, was working part-time out in her father Gary's recently-opened sandwich bar after sitting her GCSEs.

She began her coffee binge last Wednesday after getting only five hours' sleep the previous night.

"I decided to have a double espresso to perk me up," she said. "It did the trick so I had one after another and they seemed to be working. I felt great - as if I could take on the world."

By noon she was feeling unwell and crying and laughing uncontrollably in front of bewildered customers.

Miss Willis said: "My nerves were jangling. Tears were streaming down my face. People kept asking me if I was all right."

Her father sent her home but by the following morning she could not feel her lips and was struggling to breathe.

Miss Willis, from Stanley, County Durham, spent several hours under observation at the University Hospital of North Durham, where the caffeine overdose was diagnosed.

She said: "I was drenched and burning up and hyperventilating.

"I was having palpitations, my heart was beating so fast. I think I was going into shock".

Miss Willis is due to start her Alevels at college next month, studying law, psychology, sociology and accountancy.

She said last night: "Coffee is fine in moderation and really does pick you up, but I just overdid it. I didn't realise what could happen, so I hope other people learn from my mistake."

"I felt exhausted for days afterwards and I can't even bear the sight of coffee now".

Her father said: "Jasmine was just helping out in her holidays and had started on the 8am shift.

"She doesn't usually drink coffee at all, not even instant. But I've just had a beautiful new coffee machine installed so she thought she'd try an espresso."

The Department of Health advises people not to drink more than five single espressos or four cups of instant coffee a day.

Earlier this year scientists questioned the validity of the traditional view that caffeine can reduce the effects of tiredness and increase alertness.

The Bristol University team found that the levels of alertness among those who drank coffee were almost the same as those who had drunk none.

Coffee has been found to have some health benefits, however, Studies have suggested it can protect against the onset of Parkinson's disease and keep the mind sharp into old age.

Tea and coffee also contain a wealth of other health-boosting compounds.

A spokesman for the British Coffee Association said: "There are thousands of published studies which demonstrate clearly that moderate coffee drinking - four to five cups a day - is perfectly safe.

"Increasingly, there is evidence to suggest that there are health benefits from it. The key to any healthy, balanced diet is moderation in all things and this applies to coffee
Yeah I read that one... :-D

It must reflect badly on us brits as a nation of pale, generally small and flabby Brits, living in a wet cold country, driving small cars and living in small houses. I think if a 350 lb average florida or Texas? citizen can consume vast quantities of coffee all day long and suffer no ill effects, then it should be possible for us all.

I regularily drink 8-10 cups a day minimum, sometimes more, with 0 effects. The talk about caffiene addition is also puzzling as some days I don't switch the coffee machine on....doesn't bother me, I don't go into withdrawl symptoms. When on holiday, if the coffee is sh1te, then sometimes I won't drink any for 2 or 3 weeks.

It is always possible that some other underlying condition/factors may have been responsible, as I have never heard of such a severe reaction before?
I was shocked when I read she had only had 14 shots...that is less than a Grande cup of coffee!! It is about 112 mg of caffiene...sigh
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A very unique spa where you can only experience at Yunessun! The spa contains real coffee made with hot spring water. It has been said that coffee is an effective treatment from the recovery of fatigue, and also adds beauty to the skin. The aroma of the coffee will also perk up your senses.


Ahh the Japanese.....and I bet they serve you coffee whilst in the spa...a total caffiene experience. I would think any suckback after passing wind in the spa should be avoided. :-D ref link:Polymicrobial enteric septicemia from coffee enemas. K A Margolin and M R Green
ok davec, but check it out....this girl wasnt a coffee drinker (she didnt even drink instant) and i drink alot more than the recommended amount even before 8am, but my system is use to the amount of caffeine. on the other hand...withdrawel is just as bad.
nothing major happened to me tho, but i was on holiday with my folks about a year ago, and i reckoned it would be a good time for me to cut down on my daily intake. stupidly, instead of gradually cutting down, i just stopped drinking coffee alltogher, and by the end of the 2nd day, i was convinced that someone hit my in the head when i wasnt looking. i had the worst headache of my life that day, and i ended up staying in bed, knowing that death would come and collect me any minute. that was untill my dad pitched up in my room with a double espresso. i drank it, and less than 2hours later, i had no sign of a headache or felt as bad as i did earlier.

all im saying is that if your body is use to it....go for it. but dont try and beat someone elses record!
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