caffiene and joint pain...

I figured out while reading your article, that you are kind of negative in your approach. I do not give a head go to such articles, probably there is some misconception you have about people on this subject. May be you should take up the project again and seek for the positive aspect that lies in it. I know it may of some help.this artical must be a good post...
I read some where that a new research of paramedics proves that by having the coffee on daily basis there is reduction of the factor of shivering hands and body in the old age.... So I start taking coffee twice a day and not much that this one amount.........

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Hi Wrotek3,
Thanks for your explanation. I found your article very useful and I would say recently when I met with an accident doctor told me not to drink coffee. I was quite confused that time and was not sure why they are not allowing me to drink. but now i understood whey they told me.
Thanks for providing such use full information and advantages of coffee for joint pain...
Wonderful post it is..
Personally, I'd never heard of caffeine causing joint pain, and I've done some reading on its negative effects. I'll look out for more info on this and post here if I find anything.
Piatras4 -- yeah I think you're right about this...I can't find anything linking the two...
As well as i know about the caffeine that it will be the best medicine for the people who is suffered from the joint pain.In the joint pain the person has been suffered from so many stress that it help to reduce the stress too.
I can't explain it exactly but yes researches clearly shows that the intake of coffee increases the chances of arthritis.
Caffeine was once thought to induce various pains of your muscles and joints but ongoing research has found this may not be the case. If you experience joint pain, consult your physician to decide what works best for your condition and the role caffeine plays in pain management.

Read more: Caffeome & Joint Pain |
Hi buddy,......
caffeine is the best for joint pain.I self use it for pain.Overage people
mostly use it.It is the best for good fitness.Thanks a lot.
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If you guys would like to drink a coffee that would not only help with all pains but tastes great, Please try the Dr. Oz Recommended Organic Coffee
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