Coffee and Baking - please help


New member
Jan 10, 2005
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Hello coffee lovers!

I was browsing through the forum for a good couple of hours, but I can't seem to find any topic on coffee and baking. Hope you experts could help me out :)

I'm trying to get the recipe for a capuccino/mocha flavored bun that I tried in Kuala Lumpur last year. It is basically a sweet dough (like a sweet hamburger bun) with a sweet coffee topping that covers the whole top portion of the bun.

The sweet dough is baked together with the coffee/mocha/capuccino topping which then releases a strong coffee aroma that draws in the crowds. Surprisingly, the taste is more to caramel and not coffee which actually tastes very good! I tried to clone the bun, but failed.

My question: what particular coffee should I use that gives out a strong coffee caramel aroma when baked, but without the strong taste? Do I use freshly ground beans like arabica, or will instant coffee granules do? Do I need any other ingredient that will improve the aroma and make it more caramel like? Do I use white or brown sugar, etc?

Also, the bun I tried still has the coffee caramel aroma, 2 to 3 days after it has been baked. Do you know of any "aroma preservatives" that could be added to the coffee to make its aroma last for days?

Hope you guys could help me out. Any tip will be greatly appreciated :)
We supply quite a few bakery's & restaraunts with our RocketFuel which is a pure liquid coffee extract in a very concentrated form. Some examples of it's uses besides the obvious mixing it into the "wet" portion of the recipe include; syrups(ice cream), frostings & glazes, coffee infused whipping cream, custards, etc.

Let me know if this sounds like something you would like to try & I'd be happy to get you started.
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