Coffee consumption trends - UK


New member
Jan 10, 2005
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Hi coffeelovers,

I am new at the forum and I would like to set up an Italian Caffe' in Northern England.
I have to prepare a business plan for the bank, and I would like to know if anyone has got some figures for consumption in UK, and if not, where I can find them.

Thanks very much in advance

I cannot help you with "for consumption in UK", but we can provide you with the best trained barista. If you need, we can have someone trained and go to your place.

To know our training ability, find an Italian friend or some in Beijing of China and ask them to try the coffee in the Pass By Bar, where they might be already. They will tell you how nice is the coffee there for your confidence.

We are Kaffa Cafe, Pass By Bar is one of our franciece coffee shops.
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