Coffee Delivery.


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Mar 7, 2003
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I have known that anyone can order coffee from many reputable sources and have it delivered daily, but one man has tooken this to an odd extreme. With a full coffee kitchen inclusive of refridgerator, espresso press, and of course a kitchen sink, he is delivering coffee all around Des moines Iowa.

This opens up alot of questions for those interested in coffee delivery or getting coffee delivered. Would you go with someone who makes cups on the run? Is this competition for a coffee shop shop? Would you order delivery espressos for a business meeting?

Full story is at The Iowa Channel.

What I want to know is, How the heck does he expect to power an espresso machine from a car battery! I hope it requires a stop and external power.
I don't think there is any way for this guy to make a good living of this idea. I'm sure with this publicity he will be known by a lot of poeple in Iowa, but it's just way to much effort to sell a cup of espresso. UNLESS, he also parks his van in busy areas and sells it to random passerbyers.

Good new original idea though, but too much effort needed to maintain it.
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The only way i see an espresso on the go type business working is when the business sells grotesquely overpriced espresso.

Calculating some 30 stops a day, lets say he sells around 75 cups of espresso or coffee. if he charges some $10 per espresso or latte. well maybe his business model would be nice to see.
Whoa Now!!!

Without even reading this article you've mentioned. Sounds to me like you're describing a mobile espresso unit. If this is the case, some are successful. In fact I have a couple of customers that have mobile espresso operations. Actually they've been in business for several years. Believe it or not, even in my back yard where they say there's an espresso stand on every corner :p , there is still enough room to run these types of operations. Just depends on your marketing ideas, the look of your operation (vehicle), the coffee you serve, and your dependability. Where can I find that article? I'd like to pull it up. Sounds interesting.
What I've seen from experienced mobile espresso units that succeed included a good vehicle concept. Here are a couple of examples of customers we have. #1--Here name is Just in Time Espresso. She purchased a Ford Ranger type truck, she made a custom rear shell on the back where she can lift both sides. On one half she has a 2 group espresso machine which runs on propane and powers with marine batteries. She also has a small frig, grinder, cash register, knock box, small hand wash sink, and a place to store most popular syrups. On the other side she has a small 3 compartment sink, cleaning supplies as well as back up supplies. Pretty functional and pretty cool. She has a route that she drives to 2 stops a day just outside a business park. Since she is the sole owner she doesn't have to worry about employee costs. In addition she also does local events where she has to get special weekend permits. She actually books quite a few of these each year. By the way, she uses some great coffee :D Ours.

#2--Another who just sold hers just recently was called Espresso on the Go. Hers was a converted Chevy Astro type van, although not as well thought out on the lay out, but looks great with some serious graphics. That is what most customers notice when they she her are the graphics on her vehicle. Hers is a little harder to work out of because she did not design it to be operator friendly. But it got the job done for her. She does basically the same thing as Just in Time Espresso by having a route established. This owner had her business for about 5 years and made enough money to sell and go into another business. Just in Time Espresso has owned her business for about 8 years.

I hope these two examples helpped to shed a little light into the possibilities.