Coffee Drive Thru Kiosk for sale


New member
Jul 27, 2015
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8x8 well insulated kiosk made for selling coffee. 3 compartment sink plus hand wash sink. A/C and heat in the ceiling plus an additional A/C window unit. 110 and 220 volt. Lots of outlets.
On board potable and gray water tank. Hook up to electric, circuit breaker inside. Windows on all 4 sides for great visibility. Serving windows with screens to your left and your right as you are working at 8 foot long prep counter. Exterior counters under each window accommodate tip cup. Additional pull out cutting board for even more work area. Separate cabinet behind you to conceal cash drawer. Sale includes Square Stand, thermal printer and cash drawer, Open Flag, Neon "open" sign. Outdoor speakers. You supply the coffee and the equipment. Located in Burlington, WI. Move to your location. Change out vinyl banners to your name and logo. Click my link below to see Craigs List ad with more details and photos. 630-640-7959
630-640-7959 IMG_2145.webpCoffee Drive Thru Kiosk
Hello "nmonahu"

I see all sorts of information, except what you're asking for the Kiosk. How much are you asking for it?

I'm wondering how you managed to post a link, especailly since this appears to be is your first post to the Forum and new mambers need to have a few posts before they can add a link.

Please post a message here when your Kiosk is sold. That way, people won't keep asking about it, and we can close this thread.

Interested. Please let me know that asking price. The Craig's list link doesn't work. feel free to e-mail me: maggiekelley00 at
I have craze of visit different cafes and taste different foods, coffees etc. Whenever i visit any cafe i must see the decoration, designing, vinyl lettering on glasses etc etc. Recently i install some vinyl lettering on glasses of my home and now glasses looks meaningful and pretty. Just like vinyl lettering the banners for publicity is also in my point out list. I mostly refer the Mesh Banners NYC to my friends because these banners are best in quality and price.
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