Coffee House for Sale!


New member
May 19, 2005
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I have a coffee house in Argyle Texas. (Just outside of Denton) that is either for sale, or if you're intersted in opening in another location, I'm willing to sell the equipment and furniture. This is essentially a shop in a box. EVERYTHING you need to start your own place including wall decor and books. If you're interested, please contact me asap. My plan is to have things finalized by Mid-November.

I'm Interested

I'm interested. I've been looking for something for about 6 months. I'm in the north Fort Worth area near the Alliance airport, so I'mnot far at all. If you care to email me if your location is still available, we can talk. [email protected]. Sorry if we're not supposed to use emails in here. I'm a newby...
Tastylildrink: Call Henry Miller the commerical broker office. They had some rep calling me the other day, asking if I would open a shop by Alliance Airport.

Sorry I don't have the number or person I spoke with.
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Equipment still available

Hi Everyone.

I was moving and then the holidays hit so I've been offline for quite a while. The equipment is still available. Everything is cleaned and sanitized and sitting in a dark shop. The store is located in Argyle Texas and I will be in Argyle on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning if you are interested in seeing it.

Everything is in fabulous shape. I have every item detailed on a spreasheet so email me directly if you'd like a copy of that spreadsheet. The total cost is just over $21k for every piece of equipment, plus furniture that you could need to open a shop. I paid more than that for my coffee equipment - not including refrigeration, furniture, misc and more.


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