Coffee Newbie


New member
May 31, 2008
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I just discovered this forum and I think it''s a great resource for people like myself who are interested in starting their own internet business.

First off I would like to know if you think an online retailer of coffee can really be profitable? there seems to be allot of completion out there. I don''t want to get rich or anything but would like to make a comfortable living selling something I love.

I think that it is not easy to sell coffee online. The main hurdle you will face is getting enough traffic to your website - that's not an easy task at all.
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yes I understand it is very difficult to generate traffic to your site. But would you say it's harder to do so selling coffee than another product? I know coffee seems to be a saturated market.

Just curious how long your site has been up and has been profitable?

one other thing.... Has anyone here ever dealt with this company

"Universal Treasures Inc" ?

I am interested in doing business with them but I don't know if there legit or not.
I am very new to this forum, but I would like to say that I do not think that coffee will be harder to sell than other products, simply because the demand for all kinds of different coffees has grown so much over the last few years.
Just as an example: Where I live here in Australia we have an icecream shop in a food court and are now putting coffee on the menu (even though several other shops in the same court have got it on offer already!) because there is still a killing to be made.
Because coffee has become more of an art form and has diversified so much, maybe just find your \"niche\" and go for it!