The reason I'm making this post is to get some unique thinking about your loyalty program brewing, and to show some solid facts on what little changes you can do to kick a current loyalty program into shape.
About loyalty programs. A loyalty program shouldn't be considered a bane or a turnkey marketing gimmick, consider your loyalty program a method to winning your customers wallet. That card with your name on it implores the receiver to return for their reward.
Frequency of loyalty. Want your customers coming back sooner? Previous studies show that as a customer nears the 'freebie', their return rate increases. Then in April 2004, a structured experiment on loyalty was given at a car wash. The stakes where simple, buy 8 get a free car wash. The different was 50% of the customers received a card which required them to buy 10 car washes instead of 8, but the first 2 washes were already marked off. Effectively the two cards were equal. The conclusion was that customers who thought they started off closer, returned for car washes far more frequently.
I have had employees tack on a couple extra points on a loyalty card, and I enjoyed simply the feeling of importance (the waitress knew I was a repeat customer, and I was complaining how difficult their $100 per point card was) Result was I returned far more frequently.
Giving away the store. Another coffeeForums member already said their distrust for their loyalty system, because customers were making 10 purchases of regular coffee, and requesting a free blending drink (or similar). Insurance is sometimes priceless in marketing, you will need to plan for the what if... (what if a customer makes copies of his loyalty card and punches them out himself?)
That is where Subway, a major food chain in America failed at their loyalty program. A college student found a way to copy their stamps used and then sold full cards to classmates. This caused so much havoc, Subway has yet to reinstate a new loyalty program (to my knowledge). And all honest users of their previous loyalty program lost all value to their partially completed stamp cards (e.g.. myself included)
When planning your loyalty program at think about these what ifs...
What if, someone finds a way to copy a complete card. And how much will I loose before I can find out? (a simple solution is to ID each card if you use disposable cards, if an ID returns to the store too soon or has already been submitted you will know you have a fluke in the system.)
What if, customers are cashing in on the expensive drinks? (Well you could tier your loyalty system. One for coffee and tea, and a separate card completely for the more expensive items.) I also recommend you write your numbers down, you might not be loosing much on the deal but gaining a loyal customer that may forget their card from time to time.
Competition I'll close on the final note of competition in loyalty systems. Always know your bottom line, do not get caught up in a fierce competition with another places' loyalty card based on returns. If their loyalty system sounds better then yours, take some time to actually use their loyalty system and try to find every detail for 'why they can get away with it'. You may just find something you haven't thought about implementing yet. (maybe some fine print, a direct marketing newsletter, or special privileges for loyalty card holders.)
The majority of this post can be accredited to this April's Harvard Business Review article 'Your loyalty program is betraying you'.
Thank you, I'd love some feedback or comments from anyone whos interest is peaked.
About loyalty programs. A loyalty program shouldn't be considered a bane or a turnkey marketing gimmick, consider your loyalty program a method to winning your customers wallet. That card with your name on it implores the receiver to return for their reward.
Frequency of loyalty. Want your customers coming back sooner? Previous studies show that as a customer nears the 'freebie', their return rate increases. Then in April 2004, a structured experiment on loyalty was given at a car wash. The stakes where simple, buy 8 get a free car wash. The different was 50% of the customers received a card which required them to buy 10 car washes instead of 8, but the first 2 washes were already marked off. Effectively the two cards were equal. The conclusion was that customers who thought they started off closer, returned for car washes far more frequently.
I have had employees tack on a couple extra points on a loyalty card, and I enjoyed simply the feeling of importance (the waitress knew I was a repeat customer, and I was complaining how difficult their $100 per point card was) Result was I returned far more frequently.
Giving away the store. Another coffeeForums member already said their distrust for their loyalty system, because customers were making 10 purchases of regular coffee, and requesting a free blending drink (or similar). Insurance is sometimes priceless in marketing, you will need to plan for the what if... (what if a customer makes copies of his loyalty card and punches them out himself?)
That is where Subway, a major food chain in America failed at their loyalty program. A college student found a way to copy their stamps used and then sold full cards to classmates. This caused so much havoc, Subway has yet to reinstate a new loyalty program (to my knowledge). And all honest users of their previous loyalty program lost all value to their partially completed stamp cards (e.g.. myself included)
When planning your loyalty program at think about these what ifs...
What if, someone finds a way to copy a complete card. And how much will I loose before I can find out? (a simple solution is to ID each card if you use disposable cards, if an ID returns to the store too soon or has already been submitted you will know you have a fluke in the system.)
What if, customers are cashing in on the expensive drinks? (Well you could tier your loyalty system. One for coffee and tea, and a separate card completely for the more expensive items.) I also recommend you write your numbers down, you might not be loosing much on the deal but gaining a loyal customer that may forget their card from time to time.
Competition I'll close on the final note of competition in loyalty systems. Always know your bottom line, do not get caught up in a fierce competition with another places' loyalty card based on returns. If their loyalty system sounds better then yours, take some time to actually use their loyalty system and try to find every detail for 'why they can get away with it'. You may just find something you haven't thought about implementing yet. (maybe some fine print, a direct marketing newsletter, or special privileges for loyalty card holders.)
The majority of this post can be accredited to this April's Harvard Business Review article 'Your loyalty program is betraying you'.
Thank you, I'd love some feedback or comments from anyone whos interest is peaked.