Coffee Snobbery


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Apr 8, 2007
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A couple of weeks ago I was at a cafe and asked for a freshly brewed coffee, I watched and expected something to come from a drip filter of a cafetiere. Regardless of this I was presented with an Americano! I proceeded to go crazy, and caused a huge fuss. My other half told me that this was stupid, and that I was in the wrong. Was I?

Also... I spent a night at a friends house. My friend knowing that I loved coffee brewed me some instant as a gusture of good will! My initial reaction was OH NO! But, I decided to say thankyou, smile and drink the coffee and after what felt like an eternity, gulp after gulp after gulp the coffee had gone.

What would you do in these situations. And have you ever been in such situations yourself where anyone else wouldn't say anything, they'd be quite content. But you being the coffee lover that you are must complain?
When I was in Scotland about a year ago I couldn't find drip coffee to save my life. As to the americano you did ask for the freshest coffee they your friends house you did the right thing..personally I try and not drink coffee at peoples houses..that is a tuff one..I usually say that I have had to much before I arrived...but if I am forced I usually do what you did :(
Drink it with a smile! I have found that I unfortunately do not have much of a choice in the matter of drinking other people's coffee. Mostly because I need to so I can tell them if something is wrong with it. But that's because the type of service we offer.

Since I have drank some of the worst swill, most people's coffee doesn't bother me. I will how ever refuse espresso that has no creama.
Davec said:
If they have a large plant, you can dump the instant coffee in there once it's cooled a bit.

:lol: That is so funny. If I did that I would get caught! Or the plant would leak all over the place.

I wouldn't be too offended by the americano. Hey, that might have been the best thing in the shop, who knows. You could have dodged a bullet!

As far as your friend, I think you did the right thing. I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. Although, I have been known to bring my own coffee. I know I can't control the water, but at least I know going in the coffee beans are decent.

People know I am passionate about my coffee and insist on buying those huge, prefab flavored gift packs from Target, Marshalls or where ever. I know, its the thought that counts, so I usually thank them as I dump it in my garden. Like I said, I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings, but I really don't care for stale, flavored "coffee".

(Gasp!) :oops: I am a snob, aren't I? My husband was right.
I would'nt of created a fuss at the cafe, I would've just asked if they had any fresh drip and if not just got an extra shot in my america. A triple 12 oz americano is always a welcome replacement to drip in my book anyway.

And I'm always happy to drink a friends coffee. If they made it for you just for the sheer fact that they know you like coffee, that shows they value you. I'd much rather sit and sip on a cup of mud (aka folgers) and carry on a good convo with a friend who's happy your enjoying his hospitality, instead of refusing to drink his crap and ending up hurting their feelings, but hey that's my take on it.

In my opinion, if you really dislike the guys coffee that much, and you actually value their friendship, just buy them a pound of good coffee and show them that there is something better than Folgers ;)
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LOL! Dump it in a plant, that's realy funny!

I've decided! My friends arenow going to be recieving drip machines as birthday presents and I'll throw in a couple of pounds of my own blend. Then we're both winners, I dont have to sip on mud and they realise how amazingly good real coffee is!
garyscottadamson said:
I've decided! My friends are now going to be recieving drip machines as birthday presents and I'll throw in a couple of pounds of my own blend. Then we're both winners, I dont have to sip on mud and they realise how amazingly good real coffee is!

I think that's a great idea!
Mmmm, an americano, my favorite. However, it is obviously not your favorite. Your best bet in both situations is to improve your wording. Next time, tell the cafe you want a fresh brewed drip coffee. If you still get an americano, at least you can refuse it. In all the South American countries I have visited, an americano is what they always give me for any coffee I ask for besides a speciality coffee. I prefer this, but then again, it is not all about me.

As for your friend you probably did the right thing. Again though, if someone asks if you want coffee at someones house, I usually counter with, "not if you have to make a whole pot." If they say don't worry it is instant, then you change your mind and make some lame excuse about caffein and bed time and wetting the bed or whatever.

If they are a really good friend, laugh at them. Well maybe not. However, if they are a good friend and they "know"' you like coffee, you may want to send some new vibes as to what you really like.
The Americano ranks as one of my favorites. Personally I don't like drinking coffee at other people's houses, I'm too accustomed to grinding my own and using a French press. I'll smile and say "Thank You". You can't really decline if you're known as a coffee fanatic.