coffemate: yay, or nay?



Question for you all:

Do you use powdered coffemate in your coffee?

I have a professor that makes us coffee for our class, and the taste that CM imparts is so different from what I'm used to and it's really off.

Wondering if there is a way to change that, or if it's the CM that does it (plain CM too)


P.S.: nice board :grin:
Yeah, I think it really changes the natural flavor of the brew. Some people really enjoy it though. Have you had the coffee without the mate?
If not, it just could be that the coffee is bad too :x
We use coffee mate quite often in our house. Recently I saw that Nestle has put out a squeezable Sweetened-condensed milk product out (usually used for baking) but it wasn't as 'smooth' as the coffee mate! Maybe it has MSG or something in it, :) but I seem to prefer coffee mate over any other kind of powder, milk or creme product.

I know I am strange 8)
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donlp, believe it or not, but she actually uses espresso roast ground coffee.

so i already know that the taste will be off since it's espresso roast in an auto-drip machine.

still, though, I tried it w/o the powder and it was, well, ok I guess, but the CM added, what I guess I can best describe as, a nutty/vanilla like taste,
Anonymous said:
donlp, believe it or not, but she actually uses espresso roast ground coffee.

so i already know that the taste will be off since it's espresso roast in an auto-drip machine.

still, though, I tried it w/o the powder and it was, well, ok I guess, but the CM added, what I guess I can best describe as, a nutty/vanilla like taste,

wow I'm really sorry folk. great newbie I am.... so yes, that was me. not used to being able to post as a guest.
if there is a slight vanilla impression to it, then this vanilla taste probably comes from an added material called Vanillin, this is used in most vanilla type products (is cheap and plentiful).

"the coffee mate! Maybe it has MSG or something in it" , the smoothness will Not be MSG (mono-sodium glutamate) but the protein peptides that will give the rich smoothness.
It could even be the water!

I'd suggest trying the coffee black. If it tastes fine, suspect the coffeemate; if it tastes bad, suspect the water (or perhaps the device used to make it). It's a simple process of elimination.

Personally, I just take my coffee black and don't mess around with milk, sugar or substitutes.
