Hi I am fairly new to the board, I thought I would post my question, I have been searching for information about which roast has more CAFFEINE? Dark vs. Light or Medium. Basically I found the following info that helped me answer my question, but what follow up do any of you have?
pasted from my info site: any comments.
The longer coffee beans are roasted the darker the bean… Caffeine is cooked out of the bean as it is roasted, lighter roasts have more caffeine. Lighter roasts will have a more mellow body and distinctions between beans are more noticeable
pasted from my info site: any comments.
The longer coffee beans are roasted the darker the bean… Caffeine is cooked out of the bean as it is roasted, lighter roasts have more caffeine. Lighter roasts will have a more mellow body and distinctions between beans are more noticeable