Date question


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 14, 2003
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I just recieved some coffee in the mail and noticed there wasn't any roast on date or freshness date on the bag. Isn't it maditory to date food?
I just noticed that it didn't have the weight on it either. :?
FDA requires contents, weight, and where item was made/processed if shipped across state lines.
I wouldn't buy nor sell coffee without indicating a roast date, but I don't believe it is required. Old coffee doesn't become rancid... it just becomes Starbucks. :D
Don't know if its mandatory for product roasted in the USA, but we need to provide date of roast/expiry, ingredients (ie: roasted coffee ONLY, no preservtives added) as well as weight (absolutley mandatory) and packaging type every time we send coffee over your way. Apart from reglatory requirements and practical sense, would make good business sense for the roaster to be able to id his own coffee...
but we need to provide date of roast/expiry
True...perfect example...the coffee I am speaking of was completely flat...sigh..score a high rating but by the time I recieved was shot :cry:
John P said:
Old coffee doesn't become rancid... it just becomes Starbucks. :D
Too funny!

Topher: Can you send it back? Is there a return policy?

I always loved this one

Question: Can I use "average" values derived from data bases to determine the nutrient content of my product?

Answer: FDA has not stated how a company should determine the nutrient content of their product for labeling purposes. Therefore, there is no prohibition from using "average" values for its product derived from data bases if a manufacturer is confident that the values obtained meet FDA's compliance criteria. Regardless of its source, a company is responsible for the accuracy and the compliance of the information presented on the label. Use of a data base that has been accepted by FDA affords a firm some measure of security in that the agency has stated that it will work with industry to resolve any compliance problems that might arise for food labeled on the basis of a data base that the agency has accepted. A manual entitled "FDA Nutrition Labeling Manual: A Guide for Developing and Using Databases" is available from Office of Food Labeling (HFS-150), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204."
Sometimes even dating may not help your Indonesia one of my collegues (ahem, not really a competitor :wink: ) dates his coffee....4 years!!!!!!! This is after he waits 2 days after roasting as he packs into bags without valves! BTW...he sells quite a bit of coffee in the US, especially in CA.

Like the slam about Starbucks. Lol. Needed a good joke this morning.
Re: Starbucks

jlyon10 said:
Like the slam about Starbucks. Lol. Needed a good joke this morning.

I heard someone refer to them as "Charbucks". At first I didn't laugh. Just kinda thought, "Yeah... that makes sense."
I like to see what others are kooky like that...La crema you only drink your coffee?
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