I always loved this one
Question: Can I use "average" values derived from data bases to determine the nutrient content of my product?
Answer: FDA has not stated how a company should determine the nutrient content of their product for labeling purposes. Therefore, there is no prohibition from using "average" values for its product derived from data bases if a manufacturer is confident that the values obtained meet FDA's compliance criteria. Regardless of its source, a company is responsible for the accuracy and the compliance of the information presented on the label. Use of a data base that has been accepted by FDA affords a firm some measure of security in that the agency has stated that it will work with industry to resolve any compliance problems that might arise for food labeled on the basis of a data base that the agency has accepted. A manual entitled "FDA Nutrition Labeling Manual: A Guide for Developing and Using Databases" is available from Office of Food Labeling (HFS-150), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204."