Drink economics and startup costs


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Mar 21, 2006
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Does anyone know a good source of info on what the profitability of different drink types are (coffee drinks vs. drinks made from a mix like chai vs. fruit smoothies, etc.)?

Similarly does anyone know of any guides that give estimates for startup costs like equipment purchases, employee training, inventory, etc.?

Thanks for your time.


I do not know of a guide but we evaluated every product to find the best quality product we could finnd and priced accordingly. As we are the best we also charge the highest prices. We are at a minimum the same prices as Starbuck and in many cases higher. Cost of product varies between 18% to 28% of cost. It works as we are the dominat player in our market.

As far as equipment goes you have to plan out your shop, make a list of equipment required and price it out and decide which equipment is best for you. For example a espresso machine can vary from $3000 to in excess of $ 10,000.

I hope that helps

To save your cost, I think you'dy like to try to think about all the supplies u r getting now and spend more time to find the cheapest way to get them. Maybe you need to do a lot of online surfing and shop around. For example, I found there is a great website: www.honorusa.com.
It sells hot cups and cold cups, free of shipping charges. U can save cost per cup from the cups you use. U may compare the price from local to online suppliers and find out what is the best for you.
My suggestion is: "Each cent you spend, you spend carefully".

darkandbitter said:
Does anyone know a good source of info on what the profitability of different drink types are (coffee drinks vs. drinks made from a mix like chai vs. fruit smoothies, etc.)?

Similarly does anyone know of any guides that give estimates for startup costs like equipment purchases, employee training, inventory, etc.?

Thanks for your time.


Before doing a lot of online surfing, you can search this forum as your questions have been asked and answered many times.
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