Equipment, Menu and Niche Market Questions


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Sep 3, 2011
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I am looking to buy the basic commercial equipment needed to start a relatively basic coffee shop. I have been doing a lot of research on what equipment to buy, portion sizes, how much inventory to keep, etc... In my search for an expresso machine,grinder and brewer, I have been a bit overwhelmed as to what the top brands are. I am not looking to buy the best of the best, but want equipment that is tried and true. Can someone please compile me a small list of well known brands so that I can narrow down my search? What are the price ranges of each(I plan to buy new)? The only brand I recognize is BUNN.

Also, if I want to create a small, uncomplicated menu, what are the basic drinks that I need to offer? I do not want to have food items at first but realize that I need to make sure that I lease a place that is big enough to accomidate all the things I would need when I do. I may offer a few cookies or brownies that I can make in my own house. For now, I just plan to run a simple, professional shop that caters to the needs of students at a nearby university. Can anyone that runs a shop in a college town give me any ideas on what I can do to keep my shop simple but still attractive to students? There are only two competitors in the town; a small old school shop that is not very well advertised(I grew up there and barely ever noticed it) and a Tim Horton's. I don't worry about the small shop but Tim Horton's worries me a little. It seems to me that they are focused on catering to the general public and not specifically to the students. Hopefully with my own past college experience and some creative insight from you all, I can grab the student niche market. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Here's what I was thinking

Early open, close late
One or two roasts as the base for many drinks (for simplicity)
Focused on social media (rewards and marketing)
Reasonable prices
Student discounts
Study tables/ Wi-Fi

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