Esmeralda Special... Now released

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Once a year a coffee so special, so rare and wonderful it only can be found by auction with selected registered guests who pay for the privilege. Hacienda la Esmeralda is the place in Panama and the limited lots are bid on from around the world. The price is set on that day.

This happened back in May and it has taken until now for the precious little Panamanian soldiers to be released to the select retailers who are lucky enough to sell it.

Read all about it here:

And see who has the goods here:

And GUESS WHO is there? YUP. The only Canadian!

Hi Lisa,

I, too, am very impressed!

So, are you going to give us the details on how many hoops you had to jump through to you managed to become a select retailer????

I'm what roast level do you roast your Esmeralda?

OK so I am sitting here drinking the FIRST CUP of freshly roasted TODAY Esmeralda Special. It is so wonderful, mellow and smooth, a bit on the floral side, with lighter notes than my Kona or Jamaican Blue coffee, but slightly more exotic flavor. I am not as experienced as so many of you here, so you will excuse me if I am not appreciating the bean as you might. But damn this is a great cup of coffee!

I decided that the way to kick start this new company of mine was to get a coffee that lots of folks would search for on the internet, so I used the same skills I used to use as an antique seller on eBay and search for treasures online. When I found the Panama auction at Hacienda La Esmeralda, I knew I hit gold. They would not let me bid because I was too small potatoes, but I could become a stakeholder with other bidders. There are companies who do just this. Sweet Maria's let me bid with them and I secured 50 pounds. Now, 4 months later, it is here with me in Toronto.

I do not roast my own coffee. I have a roasting partner, George who is an expert that makes sure my coffees are perfect every time. The only thing I know how to roast is a marshmallow.

Great story or what?

Yeah... you certainly hit gold! That's a great story...quite an adventure!

Did I read your message right? Did you drink the coffee on the same day that it was roasted?

I'm really not surprised if you didn't wait and let the beans "rest" for a day or so after it was roasted.
I can see how you just couldn't wait to taste that extra special coffee!

Yes I drank the coffee the same day. Santa comes but once a year :-)
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