Ethiopia Naturals


New member
Nov 8, 2004
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Hi everyone! I have been away for awhile.

I just got a reply from a customer that he hated my Ethiopia Natural Sidamo, my wife can't stand it either. I LOVE it!!! Your mouth explodes with tastes that you don't normally get from coffee, very fruity, almost sour but not bad (to me) floral aroma.

Anyone else have similar results with Ethiopian coffees?
I ordered 25 lbs of FT Sidamo from you guys back in April and I thought it was a little flat.. not sure if it was the end of the bag or what, but the other coffees I got from you were amazing! The Mandheling Harimau Tiger was very bold and had a great spice and your Guatemala Oriente Tzampetey was an absolute winner as a SO espressos and made a sweet cup of coffee too.

I agree that Ethiopia Naturals rock! I'm really anxious to see how this ECX thing plays out. Not only will it (Good God willing) provide more oppertunity to one of the poorest coffee regions in the world (that ironically produces some of the richest, best coffee in the world), but my broker only has last seasons inventory because of the ethiopian market stagnation. He does have some great Sidamo in though.

**edit** Here's an article Mike Ferguson from Fresh Ground Consulting just posted on coffeed about just this thing haha. Ethiopia - Will The Real Poor Farmer Rise - By Eleni Z. Gabre-Madhin
Happiness can be found between 1st and 2nd crack

Ethiopian coffees have always been my personal favorite origin!

I love your signature!!! I try to get my customers to see and tastes the difference, but I do have 4 kids to raise and way to many bills to pay, so I do offer Dark and French roast levels in 5 pound bag sizes. I also do a VERY dark roast I call Dianes French Roast that is climbing my best sellers list! I find it hard to believe, but that is what most of America deems as "Specialty Coffee" thanks to Charbucks!
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