Everyday Blend


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Apr 8, 2007
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Here in the UK where instant coffee is the norm, I'm trying to get people to opt for the freshness of ground coffee.

I'm looking to create a blend which isn't too full bodied for the every day drinker. I'd also like it to have some nutty tones to it (if possible). I've exerimented a little now with 4.4.2 (Colombian, Mocha and Sumatra), but I've not found anything that has made me jump for joy and shout WOW.

The blend I'm looking for needs to be normal, but have an a small element of WOW in it which isn't found in other daily blends.

Could anyone suggest some blends, I'd be willing to give them all a go.

Thanks Gary
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yes you're right about it being a milk market, but i think that's because everyone is trying to cover up the bitter proerties of the instant coffee that they're using. If people would only try it black, I don't think they'd go back.