Extraction time for double shot?


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May 4, 2005
New Mexico
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Do you just double the single shot time OR is it nearly the same? The latter seems to be what I observe in local coffee houses. I did a search on extraction times and got every msg that had the word extraction or time even tho I used quotes. So here I am.


Between 15 to 25 seconds. I really tend to think your times will always run around the board a little bit. Coffee changes and so do espresso blends. Also people tend play with the grinder a lot too.

Personally I don't care about shot times, I am going for overall quality and if that means my shot time for a double is 28 seconds then its 28 seconds. I care about the taste of the espresso. If it doesn’t taste good then I am going to tweak it until I get it right!
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Thanks CCafe and Topher. I was at a drive up espresso stand in Silver City NM and the guy was using taller shot glasses instead of the regular shot glass [like in a bar] and he said his `shots' were 1.75 oz. Is this pretty standard, making a double shot 3.5 oz of liquid?

Boy oh boy, everytime I see this shot timing discussion, it brings chills down the back of my spine...I sure some of you know what I'm talking about :twisted: However I must agree with CCafe, do it until you get it right, and once you get it right, keep it a secret, that way you don't have to tell anybody else... :D But just for the record I say 16-25.