Fara Cafe's Special Roast (Dark)


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Sep 8, 2003
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Fara Cafe's Special Roast (Dark)

Company: Fara Cafe
URL: http://www.faracafe.com/
Reviewer: tintinet

OK. Got some initial impressions of Fara Cafe's Special Roast (Dark).

Please note I am a rank amateur when it comes to reviews of coffees.

I've already mentioned the great website aesthetics and functionality, and quick shipping, convient packaging, and reasonable pricing of the beans.

Aroma of beans: sharp and strong.

Appearance: Medium sized beans, somewhat dark and slightly oily. Although "dark" roasted, they don't look, to my eye, any darker or oiler than topher's "city" roasted beans.

Taste: Beans, straight. Strong, sharp.

Brew (French Press): Appearance: Dark, but not especially so.
Aroma- again, sharp and strong.
Taste: Complex and flavorfull. Suprisingly smooth and rich, in contrast to the sharp aroma of the beans themselves, somewhat tart (I suppose this is the acidity).

Overall: I like it! It's a coffee I could drink on a daily basis, at any time of day. Complex and flavorfull, with enough acidity to be invigorating.

Got to go do some more drinking!
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Dark Roasts

In general, as a personal preference, I like to use dark roasts, such as the Fara Cafe Special Roast and the Euro Coffee Baritone Roast, in a blend to add bite, snap and "wake up" mellower beans, rather than drink them straight by themselves. I'm sure dark roast fans will find them great straight!