Re: Installing it
jlyon10 said:
That is where I think I got hung up. I think you mean my web host has to install word press? I am not sure how to go about that. I did put a blog on wordpress but I haven't had much time to work on it.
Sorry about the delay. I'm not a frequent visitor here!
Installing Wordpress is fairly easy as long as you know the basics.
What you need to do is:
- Unzip the download (using Winrar, Winzip, etc)
- Upload to a directory of your choice on your host (ftp)
- Log into your host account and get the database (mysql) username, password, host, and database name. If you can't find it, contact your host and they should be able to help.
- The installer will start automatically.
- Follow the directions, entering in your Blog name, database information, etc.
- The installer will do the rest and your blog will be up and running in no time.
**Important** When you're finished installing the blog it will provide you with a password. Remember to change that password first thing when you log in. I forget this all the time and have to get it reset. It's much easier to remember to change it the first time you log in.
I know the directions may seem hard, but if you have already uploaded a site before this is pretty simple.
Once you're up and running go to
Wordpress Plugin database and download a few plugins that you would find useful. The plugins are easy to install. Just unzip them and upload them to the /wp-content/plugins directory. Once they are uploaded you can go and activate them in wordpress when you log in.
Also, I would go to
Wordpress Themes to find a nice theme for your blog. There are a lot of really nice ones there. The themes are just as easy to install as the plugins. Just unzip them, upload them to the /wp-content/themes/ directory and select it in wordpress.
I hope this helps.
p.s. If you take my suggestion on using Wordpress as your primary site and having the ecommerce plugin added, I would suggest that you backup your entire site. Then upload wordpress to the root (, run the install, install the plugin I suggested in a previous post, and you're all set.