Fresh Roast Plus 8 profiles anyone ?


New member
May 19, 2006
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I realize the majority of you guys are professional roasters. Has anyone here used a Fresh Roast Plus 8 ? I'd like to get some inout from your experience.

Thanks !
I had a customer that used it. She said it smoked a lot, but she seemed to have fun with it. We looked into several home roasters with the idea of selling them through our company, but I think we're going to settle on the Zach & Dani roaster instead.
Home Roasting

I have the same roaster and enjoy it very much. It does smoke a lot but it is so much fun, I started a website business from it. I am selling green beans and roasted beans for people who don't have roasters yet. I am looking for a distributor that will let me sell their roaster on my site an drop ship it. They are very hard to find so if anyone knows one I can contact please let me know. Visit my site at and let me know what you think.
I also use the FreshRoast 8 and I have been happy with it. I think I got carried away and roasted too much and set off my smoke alarms. I love my machine though!
smoke alarm

I set my smoke alarm off all the time unless I open the window and turn on a fan. I did some outside this weekend. It is a lot of fun.
Oh, good! Its not just me. I was thinking about sticking the machine on my porch! Glad to hear I'm not nuts for thinking it.

Neighbor stopped by yesterday and asked "What did you burn?" :cry: Of course, I happen to LOVE the scent of freshly roasted coffee beans, "stench" and all! The nerve of some people! LOL
I use mine every day, but I did move it to a \"roasting station\" in garage due to smoke, scent (which I love) and loose chaff which I got tired of cleaning up in the kitchen.

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