This would be the first good hard evidence (good or bad) I've read regaring the gano excel coffee and corporation. ... xcel.shtml
FDA has tagged gano excel with a warning and this will draw out gano excel company and their ganoderma coffee as either being fraudulent, quackery, snake oil ... or perhaps their product realy does things such as :
but then again the FDA says ... xcel.shtml
FDA has tagged gano excel with a warning and this will draw out gano excel company and their ganoderma coffee as either being fraudulent, quackery, snake oil ... or perhaps their product realy does things such as :
- “Ganoderma helps to detect hidden diseases... ”
Ganoderma, “is known . . . for its power to remove...excess cholesterol.... ”
Under “Why we need to take Ganoderma ?” it states that Ganoderma “has the ability.. . to discover if we have hidden diseases in the body. Then it removes the toxins and enables the body to treat a wide spectrum of diseases with the natural immune system. ”
The “Testimony” section of your website promotes Gano Excel for the treatment of gout, diabetes, and psoriasis.
but then again the FDA says
These drugs are misbranded within the meaning of section 502(f)(1) of the Act, in that the labeling for these drugs fails to bear adequate directions for use.
Marketing a dietary supplement with express or implied claims to prevent, treat, mitigate, cure, or diagnose a specific disease, or class of diseases, violates the Act unless FDA has authorized the claim in accordance with applicable health claim regulations,