Gano excel FDA warning letter

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Why not many on the forum from Gano & what's your favori

Here here to Kris! Well stated. My health has improved, too, as a result of the ganoderma coffee and I won't drink any other coffee now. My family uses the gano products every day. We all love them.

The reason why many people from Gano may not post here is probably because many of us don't even KNOW about this forum, plus Gano itself has only been in the U.S. for a year (although it's been in Asia for over 10 years and there are over a million people in 20 countries drinking it now) Alas, once again, as advanced as we can be, we Americans are a little behind in some things, especially when it comes to anything that we aren't used to. Hey, coffee mixed with Reishi mushroom which has tons of scientific studies to back it up in terms of its health benefits -- What's so threatening about that? I don't get it. The nice thing is, you can choose to drink ANY coffee you want to. I promise -- I won't ridicule or try to invalidate YOUR choice of coffee (or judge you for drinking it or telling me that it makes you feel good) if you won't criticize my choice of coffee.

I've been using Gano Excel products since August. I just found this forum last week. I'm sure more will join -- distributors and customers alike, and you'll hear more and more stories from those of us who love it, as well as the few who are fearful of anything "new" or different. I wonder how many people who are critical have actually even tasted the Gano Excel products? And, yes, I'm sure we'll get more potshots from the FDA. They attack just about anything herbal.

For you gano lovers out there -- I love the sugarless pure classic black, but once in awhile, I just HAVE to have a mocha!!! What's your favorite? :lol:
Re: Why not many on the forum from Gano & what's your fa

Truth said:
The reason why many people from Gano may not post here is probably because many of us don't even KNOW about this forum, plus Gano itself has only been in the U.S. for a year (although it's been in Asia for over 10 years and there are over a million people in 20 countries drinking it now)
I hope the day never comes that more Gano freaks showup here.
Truth said:
Hey, coffee mixed with Reishi mushroom which has tons of scientific studies to back it up in terms of its health benefits -- What's so threatening about that?
The threat comes when they come in hordes promoting their pre fabricated marketing!
Truth said:
I don't get it. The nice thing is, you can choose to drink ANY coffee you want to. I promise -- I won't ridicule or try to invalidate YOUR choice of coffee (or judge you for drinking it or telling me that it makes you feel good) if you won't criticize my choice of coffee.
Yea and I don't run around claiming what is in my coffee cup wards off tigers and provides volcano protection, if i did this incessantly and continuously told you to buy my drink , you'd eventually get a little ticked off at me AND anyone else saying how good the drink is! ( understand this -- because it probably is all a sales pitch!)
I will sign my name!

Un like the "guest" I sign my name! Oh and I advertise using my health results. I believe that you need to further educate yourself. AND THEN sign using your name, because I didn't say anything about tigers? Again though back to the education part! I am at this time offering you "guest" a sample of this coffee. All you have to do is email me. [email protected]
with it's amazing results, I am sure that you would see that I am not here to fling around insults or even tell YOU "guest". to drink. I needed information and it was great places like this that I found it. I don't find your input valuable at all. I would however love to answer and questions that are not of insulting matter.

The FDA said yes to many drugs that have done nothing for me but line the pockets of the "system" Caffiene is a drug and it is poison to our body! 130- 150 mg per cup !! Ganoexcel has 9 mg per cup. Ganoderma is a natural subtance that helps your body heal itself, it does not cure anything! I sleep soundly and wake up not feeling like I HAVE to have the coffee! I haven't been to a Tim Hortons since I started this Ganoexcel. THANK GOD!!! I was spending 4 bucks a day easy! I am now only spending 50 cents a cup!

So here is to the healthy !!

:D :lol:

Well Well ... here come the usual skeptics, naysayers, and AVERAGE negative 97%ers ... LOL . They always seem to crawl out of their caves when seeing others achieve the success they only wished they had the scruples to attempt to achieve rather than standing on the sidelines of life and throwing negativity everywhere they go. The thing is ... you can and will only find what it is that is inside of you.

I for one love Gano Excel and their products!!! SPECTACULAR!!!

For all the naysayers out there .... please explain to me how you can argue with over 2,000 years of history, well over 50,000 pages of 3rd party validation, and over 350 articles on Ganoderma that can be found on
I would like it to be noted that I have sent emails to Gano-Excel's HQ in KL Malaysia asking whether I can come and visit the facilty. To date, no reply at all. As KL is just a hop away from me I proposed to Gano that I would be more than happy to come over, look at teh processing, what coffee they use etc and then post a report on Being a coffee proffessional I gave my word to Gano-excel that I would give an honest opinion of the coffee side of the business they run. I am still waiting for my answer- if I ever get it will let everyone know.
Re: I will sign my name!

Kristy said:
Un like the "guest" I sign my name! Oh and I advertise using my health results. I believe that you need to further educate yourself. AND THEN sign using your name, because I didn't say anything about tigers? Again though back to the education part! I am at this time offering you "guest" a sample of this coffee. All you have to do is email me. [email protected]
with it's amazing results, I am sure that you would see that I am not here to fling around insults or even tell YOU "guest". to drink. I needed information and it was great places like this that I found it. I don't find your input valuable at all. I would however love to answer and questions that are not of insulting matter.

The FDA said yes to many drugs that have done nothing for me but line the pockets of the "system" Caffiene is a drug and it is poison to our body! 130- 150 mg per cup !! Ganoexcel has 9 mg per cup. Ganoderma is a natural subtance that helps your body heal itself, it does not cure anything! I sleep soundly and wake up not feeling like I HAVE to have the coffee! I haven't been to a Tim Hortons since I started this Ganoexcel. THANK GOD!!! I was spending 4 bucks a day easy! I am now only spending 50 cents a cup!

So here is to the healthy !!

:D :lol:
I would like to note

I would also like to note that my sponsor and upline in Gano Excel, David Moses, along with 12 other team members from both the US and Canada have in fact travelerd to KL Malaysia and seen the facilities with their very own eyes. They also went to Tyland and the Phillipines and researched the facilities there as well.

I guess what most of us would be interested in is the "coffee" side of Gano-Excel. Being a specialty coffee discusion board, most posters/readers are more interested in knowing what type of coffee we are talking about with this product. For me I would like to know how the coffee-type product can have a low caffiene level while seemingly being made from robusta beans? The slideshow, while very entertaining, had no actual pictures of the coffee side of the business...and this is what we are all interested in. If you find more information please post it. I guess for the sceptics among us you would need to demonstrate (from a coffee angle) that the coffee type product is a real high quality coffee. This may be difficult to do as seemingly the coffee is instant in nature. Most instant coffees are made from robustas...hence the general rejection of them by more sophistiated drinkers who prefer wholebean. Anyway...interested to see the slide show. Thanks
Truth about Gano and sleeping

:grin: Facts are important as are also Truth. Truth is I have 5 kids , nursed them all. With 4 I always had my cup of coffee in the morning and all 4 napped badly as babies-must be the caffein. Then I had number 5 and still had that cuppa coffee in the a.m. and still the baby slept badly UNTIL I discovered Gano coffee. AAHH! Since the first day i drank a Gano coffee (instead of the regular cup ) this 5th baby always naps like a baby(should) . What can I say -experience speaks for itself. You can't argue with that .

So I signed up to be a Gano distributor.You can go to my site There are lots of tired moms with babies out there who enjoy their coffee but certainly don't enjoy cranky babies who can't sleep well. To them i say try a Gano coffee-it's on me. :p Emma
Unlike Ginko and similar natural remedies, the FDA has determined that Gano is a Class I food - a drug subject to regulation. One could get excited that the FDA agrees Gano is a drug. On the other hand, being under the regulation of the FDA means products must meet the standards of drug product integrity and marketing.

Gano Excel has been referenced many times on the FDA site for False claims, Misbranding, Unapproved Promotional Claims and also some issues about labeling and product integrity. Ingredients are in the product without being on the label. It is not clear whether those are just unlisted or whether they represents a Quality Assurance problem in the production and/or packaging process.

I know that people love to believe that they are doing something good for themselves with little extra effort, especially if it is "natural." There was a recent article published by the Hartman Group that talks about functional foods (foods that have positive effects, not just provide nutrition). People need to be more skeptical. Supplements are a huge and growing market. There is not a lot of good evidence that supplements deliver and many are outside the jurisdiction of our regulatory agencies. When they ARE under the jurisdiction, as is Gano, we need to look not just at the claims but at what we're actually getting in the delivered product.

Frankly, Gano may be the best thing in the world for irritable bowels (wasn't that one of the posted claims??), but if in its delivered form it contains contaminants and impurities, all the testimonials in the world are not going to keep some small percent of people from being hurt by it.

This is the warning letter from the Federal Drug Administration to Gano Excel U.S.A. Inc. for Unapproved New Drug Promotional Claims/Misbranded

These are enforcement actions of the FDA against Gano Excel for undeclared ingredients. ... 00897.html

FDA refusal actions against Gano Excel for various infractions of Unapproved and/or False

Many people are skeptical of the FDA recently for letting things like Celebrex through. They should be. The argument should for tighter standards and controls, not looser them. Whether something is a "natural" or "manufactured" medicine is immaterial.

One other thing of interest. If a medicinal product is added to something like, like Gano into coffee, then the production and packaging processes as well as the marketing of that product are probably subject to FDA regulation as well.
This thread makes fascinating reading. Many questions are left unanswered-

Where is this mythical "Tyland"
What makes Gano more naturl!
Should someone who has had 5 kids be drinking Gano...or perhaps something a little stronger?
Why do Gano-ites ALWAYS USE CAPITALS? Is it something in the Gano
....Is Reishi a mushroom, or is that the name of the big wrestler in the WWF???

So many questions, so few answers....

Watch this space, I am sur there is more to come :shock:
Gano Coffee and how I feel about it, Non Sales Orientated

Hey Gals and Guys,

Give Gano guy a break. I know that his post was a bit on the overt side of sell, sell, SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But if nothing else I can tell you he is right about the product in hand or cup so to speak. I had a friend of mine's mother tell me about the product and how good she thought it was.....

Yes, I know I called it a product and if you want to me to get technical it really is?

Or not, It IS!!! I mean this company has taken it and invested a lot of time and energy and money into making this a wonderful drink that has added benefits that most of us will not recognize till we stop drinking the coffee.

Gano Cafe has become one of my favorite morning drinks. It helps me to get up in the AM and keeps me going till the PM...

No, I do not mean at 11:59 AM and till 12:01 PM.... I mean for the day, since I have been drinking Gano coffee, I have had such a better general feeling about myself and my task in life. Now by that I mean that I no longer see getting awake as a something I MUST DO!!!!!!

I actually enjoy drinking Gano and going about a full and energetic life. I have now stopped taking my antidepressants and have lost some much needed weight. Also my sugar levels are now normal and my high blood pressure seems to be under control. Maybe losing the weight did that?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, be aware that I am not saying that drinking Gano will have this effect on you also. Just for me it seemed to work with other life style changes that I had decided to under take at this point in my life....

So I am enjoying the new positive outlook that I taken personally about my life. With that and my new best friend each morning Gano Coffee, to the rescue!!!!!

No, I am kidding but not really... I Love the way I feel each and every morning. I love the taste of my coffee... Okay now before everyone decides that I am a total poser, I must explain that I drink my coffee with a Pink Package and HEAVY Non-Dairy Creamer. I like my coffee creamy looking but strong tasting!!!

So after all of this change that started on January 25, 2005. I have begun my adventure to a new me.

The weight loss is not by drinking Gano coffee alone, Good exercise and not eating after 6:00PM each night has helped me see a drastic improvement in my weight loss goals.

Nothing is a miracle cure for all the ailments in the world. But a few shorter steps that may bring you closer always seem to help clarify where it is we really want to go.

So take a good mind set and a strong drink of Gano Coffee any way you like it and make a new start each and every day.

If you get the chance take a look at the Herb value alone and you may be convinced that Gano may or can help you in your quest for a better you in your own eyes.

Oh and as you can see I am a registered member and not hiding behind an alias.


Greg Ashley
[email protected]

Peace, Love, Happiness, and a better You!!!!!!!!!!
I was responsible for the North American roll-out of 123 Success at Weight Watchers in 1996, so I know a thang or two about weight management.

Eating late in the evening does have a statistically significant difference from eating earlier, but it is dietarilly irrelevant. On average, it is 15 calories. You would need to eat for 133 days for that to equal a pound of weight loss. Compare that eating a hamburger instead of a cheese burger or an artificial sweetener instead of sugar.

HRH the Duchess of York told us she liked the points system because she could still drinker her margaritas. The content of a diet doesn't matter. Watching what you eat is what matters. Our head nutrionist always said that the best diet in the world was a blank sheet of paper. Write down everything you eat and like magic, weight will come off.

Keeping weight off is a difference process. If your weight loss depends on a crutch like a diet or a product, when you go off, you'll gain the weight back. Predictive variables for how much regained and how long you keep the weight off are exercise and hours in front of the television.

Gano doesn't do any more magic for weight than cabbage soup or margaritas. All diet aids are false gods. They all will disappoint you.

Another project I worked on in 1998 was with a dot com that was integrating western and eastern medical practices (CAM - complementary and alternative medicine). It was based on available good science. In that, I saw that there is some good science to validate the efficacy of some things that look flakey (e.g., reiki massage) even though how it works is not well understood. I read a lot of research on mind-body medicine, especially the placebo effect. 30 percent of the benefits of medicine have nothing to do with the medicine, but the mysterious placebo effect.

Very long way of saying that gano may have medicinal effects, but people are extremely likely to put too much faith in it without actually understanding what produces the effect. If I looked credible to you as an authority on a medicine, even as a lay user, then 30 percent of the benefit people might experience would be because of their minds tricking their bodies with belief.

All this drifts far away from coffee.

The voodoo priest and all his powders were as nothing compared to espresso, cappuccino, and mocha, which are stronger than all the religions of the world combined, and perhaps stronger than the human soul itself. ~Mark Helprin, Memoir from Antproof Case, 1995
This ganocoffee sounds like a all those products that promise miracles, and I see people becomes addict to these things. :shock: I prefer the natural products for health but approved by the FDA. About this miraculous fungus I have my doubts and definitively coffee mixed with fungi, that sounds horrible. :shock: I worked in a coffee company, I went to the farms, I know the process and I love coffee. So if you excuse to me, the coffee is coffee and do not mix with anything! if it does damage to you, you do not take it, but please do not mix coffee with anything unless milk :D
(Reference: I hope the day never comes that more Gano freaks show up here.)

Freaks???? Hmmm. So if we like coffee, and we prefer to drink Healthy Coffee, and we like to make money sharing the coffee we like, that makes us a freak????? Ok. Cool. I'm a freak :0)

(Reference: The threat comes when they come in hordes promoting their pre fabricated marketing! )

What are YOU talking about? Hmmm? Threat is it. What. Are you afraid someone other then the Television may introduce you to something new? Gee. Pretty scary. Isn't it. If it isn't on T.V., it can't be true. But if someone trying to build a legitimate business that don't have a huge business over head tries to tell you about it, they are a freak. Wow. Look out. They're coming to get you.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:40 am Post subject: Re: Why not many on the forum from Gano & what's your fa


Truth wrote:

The reason why many people from Gano may not post here is probably because many of us don't even KNOW about this forum, plus Gano itself has only been in the U.S. for a year (although it's been in Asia for over 10 years and there are over a million people in 20 countries drinking it now)

(I hope the day never comes that more Gano freaks show up here. )

When I get through, there will be a TON of Gano Excel reps in here. You betchya

(Reference: Yea and I don't run around claiming what is in my coffee cup wards off tigers and provides volcano protection, if I did this incessantly and continuously told you to buy my drink , you'd eventually get a little ticked off at me AND anyone else saying how good the drink is! (understand this -- because it probably is all a sales pitch!)

Hmmm. Probably. Probably leaves room for a lot of questions. Doesn’t it. Maybe you should be smart enough to listen to SOMEBODY, if all these people are telling you about it. Hmmm. You could have been the one telling them, and taking your own check to your own bank. What a concept. Oh, but I forgot. We are all freaks here.

Interesting concept. except we don't claim our coffee does anything. The Reishi Mushroom is the star of the show. Do a search on it moran.

I am so sick of these idiots that know it all. After 5 years on the net, I just get so sick of idiots. Don't you?

Mike Cowles
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