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Aug 14, 2003
Boca Raton
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So I am sure all you roasters have seen the price on Kenya...HOLY COW!!! It jumped to double the usual price and from what I hear it will not be coming down for a while...also anyone else selling RFA Panamanian? RFA Panama is close to the same price as the Kenya's right now :eek:
I have been thinking about what to use instead of the Kenya AA when I have to re-order. I thought maybe a Rwanda would be similar, but no. Has anyone come up with a good substitute for Kenya?
I see Sweet Maria's is out of AA and has only Kenya Kiambu Peaberry - Riuki, green at $26.10 for 5 pounds.

Roastmasters sells AA for $5.18 at the 20 pound +, but a nice alternative might be Kenya Peaberry Tassia Estate at $4.98 at the 20 pound +

But I am not sure what you guys think is outrageous since I sell $50 a pound coffee?


JustgGot some Kenyan at a ridiculous high price. Holy cow is right. What are you guys liking so far this year? I got some natural processed El Salvadoran, Santa Rita, from Royal New York that I really like at light roast. Got some DP Sumatran from Cafes Import that is superbly prep. Other than that I have not found a lot to be excited about.
I'm a little excited about the price of green...
when I first started roasting, the average price of green coffee was around $1.20-$1.50.

I did get some very nice coffee last month from Zephyr. some Panama Santa Teresa Estate $2.50, some Brazil Moreninha Formosa, $2.15. month before some Sumatra, Mexico Huatusco, Papua New Guinea. $2.10-$2.50.
OK, thanks debbiej for the price perspective. Now I understand.
Cannot resist... it is not the length, it's the what you do with it. :)