For the past year I have sipped and sold expensive, City roast coffee. I love(d) it and thought it was amazing.
Last night Matthew and I tasted a sample provided to us from a roaster in Kona, Hawaii. One bag was medium roast and the other, dark. I was a bit grossed out at first since the back of the bags were transparent and the dark roast beans were very oily. They seemed to be swimming in oil and no beans I ever received my my roaster, some hours after roasting, were ever like that.
I contacted the roaster, not being nasty, just looking for education. Turns out fresh roasted dark city beans or closer to French Roast will do that, and the staler they get, the drier out they will be. Further research on my own told me the darker they get, the caffeine gets roasted out of the little darlings.
Now back to my dark side. We ground the coffee for a percolator at a friend's house and we all LOVED it. Truth came out they thought my coffees were too mild and this is what they like.
So shortly I will be offering dark in Hawaiian Kona and Jamaican Blue. Plus I am looking for the ultimate Sumatran or Ethiopian or something that will kick butt - but it has to be rare and pricey.
Any suggestions?
Last night Matthew and I tasted a sample provided to us from a roaster in Kona, Hawaii. One bag was medium roast and the other, dark. I was a bit grossed out at first since the back of the bags were transparent and the dark roast beans were very oily. They seemed to be swimming in oil and no beans I ever received my my roaster, some hours after roasting, were ever like that.
I contacted the roaster, not being nasty, just looking for education. Turns out fresh roasted dark city beans or closer to French Roast will do that, and the staler they get, the drier out they will be. Further research on my own told me the darker they get, the caffeine gets roasted out of the little darlings.
Now back to my dark side. We ground the coffee for a percolator at a friend's house and we all LOVED it. Truth came out they thought my coffees were too mild and this is what they like.
So shortly I will be offering dark in Hawaiian Kona and Jamaican Blue. Plus I am looking for the ultimate Sumatran or Ethiopian or something that will kick butt - but it has to be rare and pricey.
Any suggestions?