guess it is always darkest JUST before dawn


New member
Jun 9, 2006
New Haven, CT
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Sorry for the long post ahead here. Yesterday I listed my little roaster for sale after an agonizing few weeks of deciding whether or not to pursue the vision for my coffee roasting business that I've been working on for several years; I'd finally leased a space back in November and one by one things went from bad to worse in the past month including what looked like the end of the space for me(due to some odd old ordinance in my town among MANY other things I won't even mention here) after already investing a good deal of money into inventory and everything else to start up.

Amazingly after a week passed and I finally gave into the fact that I needed to basically give up and move on, and started to even try to list equipment for sale, the light broke at the end of the tunnel and somehow the impossible ways to work through have become possible. With that said, my little roaster has been given a second chance as have I to fulfill a dream, hence the edit of this post with my roaster no longer for sale.
It's always great news to hear that someone has started to see the "light at the end of the tunnel." It's not easy starting a business and, it sounds like you were close to giving up. It's good to hear that you decided to give it another try.

Hang in there.

I wish you all the best.
