Hearthware I Roast


New member
Mar 14, 2005
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I bought a Hearth Ware I Roast to replace my older Hearthware that burned out. The new I Roast came in, and it looked like a nice replacement. Well, after using it, I am not so sure. First of all, the lid/chaff collector rattles off and you have to be on vigilance next to the MAchine whenever it is running. Also, the Roasting temps are something that I have never had to deal with. I have already had 2 batches not even make it to first crack before the cool cycle kicks in. And third, Hearthware does not want you running the machine more then once every 2 hours. I remember the days when I used to sit down and roast up a pound of coffee and be all set for the week. Now I am roasting every day. I guess what this post is getting to is to a recommendation for a differnet roaster. Something that is easier to use and something that I can use continuasly until I have a pound of coffee roasted. Looking forward to the replies.
So ditch The I Roast...

...So ditch the I Roast and buy s Hot Top? :?
You're not the first to have had problems with the Iroast,me too.
Hearthware faq's http://www.i-roast.com/cus_01.php may help but probably not.
Some machines run hot and some machines run cooler,mine seems fine on Preset 2,sometimes I hit the cool button early,other times I extend the roast by a minute or two.
My chaff collector top also works loose (the whole top not just the little lid with the mesh) So that I don't have to continual guard it I secure it with a long curtain spring that has a hook on each end,I've removed the plastic covering.
I leave 20 to 30 minutes cool down time between roasts,no problems.
Once you get used to it's quirks it's fine but there is a learning curve to negotiate.
There are a number of threads on the i-roast at www.coffeegeek.com and a tip sheet at www.sweetmarias.com
Hang in there and try not to throw it through the window :wink:

Thank you so much for the Informational post and the little confidence boost. :wink: I guess I won't give up just yet on the I Roast. I have just started playing with the programable roast times and temps. Pretty fun stuff. Also, thanks for the links. I am going to check them out tomorrow morning while I enjoy my morning coffee and cigar. :)

I would buy a Hot Top roaster but :

A ) I don't want to throw out a brand new roaster for a few minor problems.

B ) The hot top looks like an AWESOME roaster and right up my alley, except for 1 thing. The smoke. I roast in my kitchen and as it is now I have to unplug the smoke detector every time I roast with my I Roast. So unless I firgure out a way to vent the Hot Top, and eventually i will have to once this roaster burns out, it's the I Roast for me.

Now, off to the roaster for a few more batches. :lol:

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