Hello Rose,
Thanks for responding so quickly. Thank you also for all the info. Like I said earlier I'd not even looked at a grinder, but you would think that if the Capresso had so many settings that a person could find the setting that they needed for whatever type of coffee they were making. I still may try the Capresso. I'll let you know, because I want to get one by the weekend.
I've been thinking about getting another tamper, because the one that came with the machine doesn't seem like it FITS, it is a little bit smaller then the portafilter. I know that this is going to sound dumb, but I don't know how to measure the filter to get the proper size tamper. I saw a post on here that a guy had the Breville and did get another tamper, so maybe I should talk with him as well.
I've gotten my coffee grounded from the grocery store, my coffee shop, and a coffee/tobacco store, it may be the grounds were grinded to fine for my type of machine, since it appears that I need a coarse grind.
I have filterd water in my house, so that is not a issue. Sometimes, my coffee might had been a problem becasue I think it went stale on me, because of the amount I had to purchase. And if I do need a coarser grind and they've grind for espresso that could also be some of the problem of the bitter taste. That's the reason I'm wanting a conical burr grinder so I can test myself. But I guess that's why most people get them. Not to mention the freshness that you are suppose to get from the beans.
I have a few more places that I'm going to check out to make my final decision, I Hope. LOL
Just in case I don't know, what are the many factors involved in making espresso.
Thanks again, Flo