Help, I think I'm having Caffeine withdrawals


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Jul 23, 2017
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Until about 4 months ago I drank about 5-6 16.9oz cokes and a couple of 16oz cups of coffee daily for at least 7yrs straight, I hardly drank anything else including water. I quit the cokes and my coffee intake rose to about 5 a day. I started getting anxiety feelings, panic attacks, restlessness and just couldn't relax so I quit the coffee thinking that was a problem. I went through this for 4 months trying to figure out what was happening to me.

Just recently a man told me how he was addicted to mountain dew and he went to diet mountain dew. He told me whatever you do maintain your caffeine, this didn't register until yesterday. I was feeling bad and remembered what he said so I drank coffee without sugar and I felt better.

Today I get those feelings and I think I have been drinking too much coffee but only drinking about 16oz's lasting about 8hrs. I got feed up with it and drank 8oz's and felt much better, normal like.

Is this sounding right, how should I maintain my caffeine intake to ween myself off and end these feelings.

Please help, I am struggling.

Best regards
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please do not try to ween the coffee. it will be absolutely beneficial to stop drinking soft drinks, but for coffee, if you can drink and enjoy few cups a day, that will be actually good for you.
Believe me my friend, I love coffee but I just want to get this anxiety feelings under control. I drink about 3 16oz cups of dark roast a day. I maybe drink 1 soft drink every 3 days or so. Once I get these awful feelings under control I can go back to enjoying my coffee.