High Volume latte idea


New member
Jan 27, 2005
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New WAY to mass produce Specialty Coffee Drinks


What do you think of Lattes made with a hot milk frothing machine which dispenses milk at 158 degrees and it also dispenses foamed milk
My formula would be more cost effective,simpler(no milk frothing)faster and more duplicable for employee turnover
a 16 oz would go something like this
8 oz of really great dark custom roasted coffee
8 oz of heated milk+flavors and syrups topped with Foamed milk from that same machine
My customers are not high end coffee pros like you guys here but they are more like the average Dunkin Donut cust
what do you guys think?
tried to check out your site....it isn't working... :?
New WAY to mass produce Specialty Coffee Drinks

Only in America will we get someone to try and "mass produce" a "specialty." What's next?

Wait, I've got it! Introducing the next revolution in the US specialty coffee market:

EspressYo(tm) - One 32oz traditional coffee-inspired espresso shot and high energy sports drink, available in "in-Yo'-face traditional Italian" or "Slamin' Raspberry" flavors.

Sign up today for this great investment opportunity - make checks payable to "Cash."
Have you cosidered the oxidation of 8 oz of espresso sitting around just waiting for a drink to be made....
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