Homemade Drinks


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Mar 29, 2005
DFW, Texas
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Hi all,
I am having a couple friends over tonight and while I do not have a home espresso machine worth a flip, I'd like to make them some "fancy" coffee-based drinks. After being their barista for a couple years, I know what they like, I'm just not sure how to produce something similar at home without the good espresso and the pre-made syrups.
So here is what I would like to make - a mocha that is not too chocolatey but has a definite sweet chocolate taste... and a white mocha, same way.
Will baker's chocolate or just a Hershey bar help me out, or do I just need to tell my friends to suck it up, they're drinking it black tonight like grownups? :)
Hey whatever works! Once i made my friend a mocha.....didn't have any chocolately substance other than ovaltine at my disposal. He didn't know the difference and loved it!!!

Another note: My friend got a really small stovetop espresso machine for really cheap...she says it works really well, is easy to clean, etc..

Best of luck! I hope the fancy coffee get together worked out well!! :)
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I ended up introducing them to black coffee. They say they liked it - whether they'll ever drink it again or not, I have no idea! I am still interested in learning how to make decent fancy drinks without buying syrups and expensive espresso machines though - what kind did your friend get?
So this is the type of stovetop espresso machine my friend bought:

http://www.cooking.com/products/shprodd ... 26tab%3Diw

Its tiny, but only 12 bucks (larger sizes are more expensive) and it'll make delicious espresso.

Espresso is like a more concentrated and rich version of coffee. You could serve your friends a shot or two, put a little sugar in it or not, its pretty delicious and intense. You can add regular coffee to it (called a red-eye) or hot water (called an americano).

Ok now i have a super fancy drink for you that is sure to impress. But its cold. Its very popular in Greece: Cappucinno Freddo

To make this you won't need a super fancy cappucinno machine, or syrups or anything but what you will need is this:

A handheld milkshake stirrer: they're pretty hard to find in the states but look here:

http://www.greekshops.com/Food_and_Cook ... 9463&ug=24

Only $7.50!

So make two shots of espresso for each person, add sugar if you'd like while its still hot and then put it in the fridge.
When its cold take it out and distribute it into tall glasses. Shake it up using the mixer for about 20-30 seconds and then add and icecube or two.

Now in a separate tall glass, fill it up 1/3 of the way with milk (chocolate milk works too) now mix this for about 1 minute. Very cold very fresh milk works the best! When your mixing it, put the blender all the way in and then slowly lift it. Keep doing this and the milk will thicken and rise so that the glass appears more full than before.
Then distribute the milk in the glasses with the espresso and you have a tri-color amazing delicious coffee drink. Add a little cinammon on top. Easy, cheap, and it looks really cool.

Tell me how it works out!
http://www.cooking.com/products/shprodd ... 26tab%3Diw

Some person gave this machine a bad review on the above website. My friend didn't buy hers from this site, she bought it from an italian deli. They're pretty common though. So look around on other sites too if you go by what this person says.

But just a side note: i have a Krupps cappuccino machine that got bad reviews from some people online even though its awesome. I think some people just love complaining....
and last thing..haha sorry for triple-posting:

Be sure to use espresso ground coffee for your espresso machine. It has to be grinded finer than coffee for regular coffee machines. Italian delis usually have already ground coffee for espresso machines and sometimes supermarkets do too. If not just go to a starbucks and ask for them to grind some up for you. And also, Dark-roasted coffee beans are best for espresso.
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Thanks for all the help - I'll definitely check out those machines. I'm a seasoned barista and also in the earliest stages of opening my own coffee shop, I just have never had any luck with home espresso machines and am pretty clueless how to re-create cafe drinks in my very own kitchen without spending an abundance of money!
Thanks again, and I'm going to check out those machines and will definitely try the Cappuccino Freddo soon!