How about Selby Soft POS


New member
Dec 5, 2005
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I was curious if anyone has any experience with Selby Soft POS. I met them at DC Coffee Fest and out of all 6 vendors I visited I was most impressed with them. If you have any experience or any feed back it would be appreciated.
Selby Soft

We have had Selby Soft in our coffee house for the last 1-1/2 years. I have great trust in their product and their customer service is fantastic!

We purchased our system 2 years ago at the SCAA show in Atlanta. It was a very last minute decision for us and by far it has been one of the best we have made as far as equipment into our shop.

If you purchase it, you will not be disappointed.

Hey R.C.C.:

We are about to purchase one of their systems as well. I guess it's time for use to come out of the stone age :wink: We have looked at a number of systems, including Coffee Shop Manager and even a few custom built systems by some computer geeks (no offense intended). Although we have found that some of the custom built units had a few more bells and whistles, we didn't feel that confident because of not being able to hold them fully accountable if something really bad came up. But in any case I will report the happenings to you all once our new flagship location is built. Just broke ground last Friday! :P

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