Hi there! New user but long time reader of this site! I am currently writing a business plan for a coffee food truck in central Texas. I've hit a plateau and I need y'alls help!
How did you find your coffee bean supplier?
From my understanding, the relationship between the roaster and coffee business is more than a business partnership. I have a list of questions ready to ask our future supplier...but how do I go about locating one?
Do I look locally first and just do cold calls asking for samples and set up a interview? Do I search online in other states? What's the difference between sourcing from a local roaster and someone from out of state? Do you go for well known roaster or the little guy? Did you choose your supplier based on the region their beans grow? Was they're certain notes you were looking for? Obviously you want something that you like! If you have any suggestions or recommendations I'm all ears! What is your current relationship with your supplier like?
I hope these questions ignite a conversation in which we can all benefit. I look forward to chatting with you all!
How did you find your coffee bean supplier?
From my understanding, the relationship between the roaster and coffee business is more than a business partnership. I have a list of questions ready to ask our future supplier...but how do I go about locating one?
Do I look locally first and just do cold calls asking for samples and set up a interview? Do I search online in other states? What's the difference between sourcing from a local roaster and someone from out of state? Do you go for well known roaster or the little guy? Did you choose your supplier based on the region their beans grow? Was they're certain notes you were looking for? Obviously you want something that you like! If you have any suggestions or recommendations I'm all ears! What is your current relationship with your supplier like?
I hope these questions ignite a conversation in which we can all benefit. I look forward to chatting with you all!