Im new


New member
Nov 8, 2007
beach south texas
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:D Hey ya .. Im new here, and I think this site is so cool.. I live on the beach in texas and drink my coffee on the porch all the time.. any other coffee drinkers want to meet a cool texas gal.. contact me any time.. have a wonderful day.. thanks.. :wink:
hey trippy

nice to know that you drink coffee...
now, dont get me wrong...but here ppl talk about coffee, and nothing else. im sure you are a cool texas gal...maybe if you pay some attention to the posts you will become a cool texas barista :wink:
Welcome Trippy,

Am quite new to the site too and love all the entertainment!! Just wish I could say that I was sipping coffee in such a nice place.....instead we need it for warmth here on the wet and windy West coast of Ireland.

Trippy New

Well, it was plus 4 degrees Fahrenheit this morning when I was sipping my coffee. This is a tad cool, even for Maine in December. And the beach here is not very hospitable this time of year.

However, I did spend some time breathing crystal clear air in beautiful pine woods watching wild turkeys strolling across a snow blanketed meadow. Cold, but wonderful.

The ritual of hot coffee on cold mornings takes on a whole different meaning in New England. I encourage you to travel a bit and experience the coffee culture variations that exist all over this country. You can always come home to the beach. But Winter in Maine MUST be experienced!

PS I grew up in So. Calif.

cold here today as well...think I might turn the A/C up so it can warm a bit..hahahaha. Todays high will be 81 degrees and the low will be 74 :p I hope y'all are enjoying your winter as much as I am :p
Ah you don't know the fun your missing when 70+ outside. Heck I got go ice skating and play in the snow yesterday all in the same day. Granted it was 27 and raining then dumped 2" on top of that.

After all that fun I sat and sipped on my coffee and reminisced about all the fun I had driving with my e-brake all day!

Welcome to the forum Trippy. :)
We're actually experiencing a warm spell, above freezing for a change here in Western Mass.
Having grown up in Southern California myself,
I also now appreciate the warming effect of a good hot beverage. Especially the invigorating effect of a good cup (or eight) of coffee.

A couple of things you're missing in the warmer climates:
Wrapping both hands around a hot mug of coffee like you're
holding on for dear life.
Just the awesome sound of the coffee brewing alone is enough to
warm your anticipating blood stream.
Safely sipping your hot coffee while looking out a frost covered window. It's picturesque, to say the least. Some might say romantic ..... :)
Then theres a lot of things you not missing like freezing to death, getting wet and freezing to death, fear of freezing to death by way of leaving the house. Then again its not really that bad. I was outside yesterday moving snow with no coat on. 22 and no wind feels like its 40.
It's cold outside

Cold temps aren't bad at all once you're climatized. It takes several months of gradually declining temps. The Fall is great. And right on time. It comes when you have had just enough heat and humidity of the summer.

In Maine Labor Day means the tourists begin their trek out of the state. Sanity returns. We love for them to come and then love for them to go. The leaves are gone right around Halloween. Sweater weather. Bonfires. Getting dark earlier. Indian Summer.

Then Thanksgiving comes along with all the great food, baked goods and warming beverages. There's nothing like a long walk in the cool air to work off too many helpings of turkey.

Christmas season is here now. When I was a kid in California, they 'flocked' the trees to make them look like they were covered in snow. No need here. Maine is full of Pines and right now they are all snow laden. It's Currier & Ives all around here.

Christmas comes and goes quickly. Ski season is here. Skating, sledding and snowmobiling. Ice fishing. Winter goes by really quickly. By March you're starting to get restless for warm weather. A trip to southern climes works well here. And just when you've had enough of the cold, it warms.

I think I love it so much here because I didn't grow up here. It still marvels me. Spring is incredible, summer is summer, fall is the best and winter is just right. The seasons define life. I've never seen anyone more passionate about ice cream than Mainers in March. The coffee is great here. They tend to like a medium roast level and a really heavy brew. Coffee that will stand up to a spoon. And in the summer, iced coffee is the craze.

Mud season is the pits. I'm sure there's a metafor there somewhere. Somebody help me.

Well, I wish I was where trippy is now. Yeeehaw girl!!!

We're getting dumped on today by a good ole fashioned northeastern snowstorm!

When I get back from plowing through some of this snow, I'll kick off my cowboy boots & have OOPS!.... I mean snow boots & have a fresh pot of butt kickin' Sumatra waiting for me in my warm and cozy little office.

That doesn't sound so bad, now does it? :D
It's cold outside...

Alright, a couple of months ago I waxed poetic about Norman Rockwell and the beautiful New England winter experience. I do believe everything I said and will defend it to my dying day.

However I have reached that annual moment in time, when the whole thing is beginning to get old. We've had quite a lot of snow, ice and cold this winter. I have taken a couple pretty good falls in my driveway in the last month. I have officially become tired of the experience.

I now am ready to experience the Texas beach that Trippy was tripping about. Florida will work also. Clearwater Beach sounds pretty good right about now.

It gets worse from here until May. This is our dog days period. Snow gives way to ice, then rain, then more ice and snow. Beautiful snow laden trees give way to bleak bare branches and brown snow banks. The air does begin to warm, mercifully. Then comes the dreaded MUD.

Oh, but for May flowers in February. Sigh...

The only thing to do now, brew some coffee.

Hey Trippy,
There is some weather you just can't acclimate to..
Winter isn't winter until you live in the frozen tundra. Sunday's hi was
-41 with the windchill. Fortunately the wind gusts only topped out at about 35mph :? I have lived her my entire life and guess what...that's still freaking COLD!! Would love to be sitting in Texas right about now, Welcome.