Importance of a 5th Wall


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May 11, 2009
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Hi Folks,

I just wanted to let you know a little bit about whats known as the fifth wall which is better known as the ceiling. This can be something that is very important in places like coffee shops, or restaurants where people are coming in and spending any length of time. People notice everything and the ceiling, or the fifth wall is no exception. That being said why would anyone want their fifth wall to look plain and boring, or even worse, ugly? People spend time decorating the other 4 walls, why not these ones? The good thing is that there are many options these days who want to either replace old "crumbly" type tiles, or are starting fresh.

Please check out these before and after pictures of what a difference a nice ceiling can make:

Many of the old traditional drop ceiling tiles put function above appearance, which is something that people will not compromise these days. The old tiles were very good at soundproofing but horrible to look at, very unhealthy, hard to work with, they molded, they stained, and people spent as much time trying to avoid looking at them as they did looking at them. In places where people are consuming food and/or drinks having to look at stained or moldy tiles or a broken down ceiling, is not very appetizing.

If you are interested in some easy ways to renovate your ceiling please feel free to send me a message or discuss on here.

Thanks for your time and please shoot me any questions you may have

I have that exact problem. We have a dropped ceiling with flourescent lights that must go but I'm on a tight budgett. What ideas do you have for removing or fixing this 5th wall dilema?

SE Grind
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Hi SE Grind,

What is the reason for needing to remove your current ceiling? Is it because of the way it looks or because of some kind of functionality issue?

What most people do who need to replace tiles for aesthetic reasons is just replace the tiles and keep the old grid. Obviously if the grid is tattered and in pieces this will not work but most of the time you do not have to replace the grid. Also you will want to make sure that the grid you have up is 1'' grid (actually measures 15/16'') Most ceiling tile now a days are going to fit in this sized grid rather than the 9/16'' or "slimline" grid.

The cool thing about keeping your current grid up is that all you'll have to do is replace the tiles which is generally a pretty quick process. In some cases you can actually leave your old tiles up for better acoustical and thermal properties. Then what you could do is put a decorative ceiling tile underneath.

if you let me know a bit more about your project and what you are trying to accomplish/avoid I'd be happy to discuss your options.

Best regards,

Ceiling Tile Guy
Well this is a view of our first room when you walk into the shop. On the ceiling you can see we put christmas lights and suspended burlap sacks over them. It came out really nice. You can find the burlap sacks on ebay and the christmas lights pretty much anywhere.
SavoryPerks - nice idea, looks beautiful, is warm and ties in the coffee feel!

SE Grind - if you can't afford to take out the drop ceiling and put in some nice lighting, what about taking down a tile each week or month and letting customers sign and draw on it? Would basically cost you just a few bucks for a pack of colored markers and you'd get people involved, feeling a part of the place and be something interesting to look at. Just an idea!